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Todd Litwin


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347P - Aerial and Orbital Image Analysis

Todd E. Litwin

Member of Technical Staff


Todd Litwin began work at JPL in 1979, at first writing ground software to support navigating spacecraft. In the 1980s he moved into robotics research, concentrating on camera calibration, object tracking, and stereo ranging. In the late 1990s he started writing flight software for unmanned spacecraft while still keeping active in ground-based robotic software.


B.S. in Applied Physics (1979), Harvey Mudd College.


  • Section 343 - Guidance and Control Team Award, Jul 2018
    M2020 Heritage GNC/TRN/Surface GNC Team, For the successful completion GNC Cruise/EDL inheritance review, TRN CDR and Surface GNC CDR.
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Jun 2016
    MSL R12 FSW Development, V&V and Deployment Team, for successful development, test and deployment of the Mars Science Laboratory R12 Flight Software load.
  • MSL Team Award, Jul 2016
    AEGIS Team, for Exceptional Achievement in developing and delivering the AEGIS Capability to MSL Operations.
  • MSL Team Award, Aug 2015
    ChemCam Anomaly Response Team, for the successful analysis, development, testing, and resolution of the ChemCam auto-focus and sun-safety anomalies.
  • MSL Team Award, Aug 2015
    R12 FSW and Transition Team, for the successful development, testing, upload, and execution of the R12 Flight Software Load.
  • Space Act Award, Dec 2013
    For the development of a significant scientific or technical contribution, entitled Mars Science Laboratory Flight Software NPO-CC-006, that has been determined to be of value in the conduct of an aeronautical or space activity of NASA. (NASA Software of the Year award.)
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Jul 2013
    MSL Project Operations Team, for outstanding achievement in the successful execution of the Curiosity rovers mission of exploration to the surface of Gale Crater on Mars.
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Jul 2013
    MSL Testbed & Simulation Support Equipment Team, for outstanding achievement in the completion of the verification and validation of the MSL system design.
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Jul 2013
    MSL Flight Software Team, for outstanding achievement in the design and development of the Mars Science Laboratory Flight Software.
  • NASA Tech Brief Initial Award, May 2010
    For contributing to the development of scientific or technical innovation, which has been approved for publication as a NASA Tech Brief, entitled JPL Robot Vision Library (JPLV) NPO-46532.
  • Whos Who in America, 2009 - 2008
    Biographical listing
  • NASA Space Act Award, Dec 2009
    For the development of a significant scientific or technical contribution, entitled Real Time Stitching and De-warping of Multiple Images NPO-46919-1, that has been determined to be of value in the conduct of an aeronautical or space activity of NASA.
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition, May 2009
    JPL Robot Vision Library (JPLV), for the creative development of a technological contribution which has been determined to be of significant value in the advancement of the space and aeronautical activities of NASA.
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition, Mar 2009
    Experimental Semiautonomous Vehicle, for the creative development of a scientific contribution which has been determined to be of significant value in the advancement of the space and aeronautical activities of NASA.
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, May 2008
    MER 3rd and 4th Extended Mission Team, for determination, enthusiasm, talent, ingenuity, technical skill, and scientific curiosity in continuing the exploration of the surface of Mars.
  • NASA Major Space Act Award, Nov 2007
    For creative development of a scientific contribution which has been determined to be of significant value in the advancement of the space and aeronautical activities of NASA and is entitled "Mars Exploration Rovers Flight Software"
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Jun 2007
    ATHLETE Development Team
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, May 2007
    Research and Technology Studies 2006 Team, in recognition of the successful completion of the 9th Desert Research and Technology Studies (Desert RATS) field test to demonstrate human-robotic surface exploration systems.
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition, Mar 2007
    For creative development of a scientific contribution which has been determined to be of significant value in the advancement of the space and aeronautical activities of NASA and is entitled "Mars Exploration Rovers Flight Software"
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Mar 2005
    Mars Exploration Rover Second Extended Mission Team, for excellence in operating the Mars Exploration Rovers during their second mission extension, resulting in an outstanding level of science return with an exceptional operational efficiency
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Mar 2005
    Mars Exploration Rover First Extended Mission Team, for excellence in operating the Mars Exploration Rovers during their first mission extension, resulting in an outstanding quantity of science data return, even with reduced staffing
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition, Sep 2004
    For creative development of a technological contribution which has been determined to be of significant value in the advancement of the space and aeronautical activities of NASA and is entitled "Hybrid Image-Plane/Stereo (HIPS) Manipulation"
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, May 2004
    Mars Exploration Rover Project Operations Team, for exceptional performance in the successful launch, cruise, entry, descent, landing, and subsequent martian surface operations for rovers Spirit and Opportunity
    Mars Exploration Rover Project Certificate of Recognition, Aug 2003
    For outstanding performance and lasting contribution to the success of the Mars Exploration Rover Project: Design and Implementation of the Avionics Non-Volatile Memory Management, Imaging, and File System Flight Software Modules
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Apr 1998
    Mars Pathfinder Microrover Operations Team,
    for the design, development, integration, test, and operation on Mars of the Mars Pathfinder microrover, Sojourner
  • DOD Certificate of Appreciation, Sep 1999
    For outstanding support of the Experimental Unmanned Vehicle Program DEMO III Alpha
    Section 345 NOVA Award, Jul 1997
    Commitment to Excellence
  • Certificate of Recognition, May 1993
    For the creative development of a technical innovation which has been proposed for publication as a NASA Tech Brief entitled "Planetary Rover Navigation Testbed Vehicle (Robby)"
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Feb 1993
    Mars Science Microrover Demonstration, in recognition of the design, development, and successful ground demonstration of a capable yet affordable approach to the surface exploration of Mars
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, May 1991
    Telerobotics Technology Team, for outstanding achievements in advancing the state of the art in telerobotics technology
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition, Mar 1991
    For the creative development of a technical innovation which has been proposed for publication as a NASA Tech Brief entitled "Autonomous Sensor-Based Dual Arm Satellite Grappling"
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Sep 1986
    Parkes-CDSCC Telemetry Array, in recognition of outstanding achievement in engineering and implementing the Parkes-Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex Telemetry array which provided a significant increase in the science data return from the Voyager Uranus encounter.


  1. S. Brooks, T. Litwin, J. Biesiadecki, N. Abcouwer, T. Del Sesto, M. McHenry, S. Myint, P. Twu, D. Wai, "Testing Mars 2020 Flight Software and Hardware in the Surface System Development Environment," IEEE Aerospace Conference, 01 March 2022.
  2. K. Hand, C. Phillips, A. Murray, et al., "Science Goals and Mission Architecture of the Europa Lander Mission Concept," The Planetary Science Journal, vol. 3, iss. 1, 26 January 2022.
  1. T. E. Litwin, "Planospheric Camera Model," SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15(3), 034517 (2021), 16 September 2021.
  1. J.N. Maki, D. Gruel, C. McKinney, M.A. Ravine, M. Morales, D. Lee, R. Willson, D. Copley-Woods, M. Valvo, T. Goodsall, J. McGuire, R.G. Sellar, J.A. Schaffner, M.A. Caplinger, J.M. Shamah, A.E. Johnson, H. Ansari, K. Singh, T. Litwin, R. Deen, A. Culver, N. Ruoff, D. Petrizzo, D. Kessler, C. Basset, T. Estlin, F. Alibay, A. Nelessen, S. Algermissen, "The Mars 2020 Engineering Cameras and Microphone on the Perseverance Rover: A Next-Generation Imaging System for Mars Exploration," Space Science Reviews Volume 216 Article 137 (2020), 24 November 2020.
  2. Michael McHenry, Neil Abcouwer, Jeffrey Biesiadecki, Johnny Chang, Tyler Del Sesto, Andrew Johnson, Todd Litwin, Mark Maimone, Jack Morrison, Richard Rieber, Olivier Toupet, Philip Twu, "Mars 2020 Autonomous Rover Navigation," Proceedings of the 43rd AAS Rocky Mountain Section guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, 30 January 2020.
  1. K Edelberg, P Backes, J Biesiadecki, S Brooks, D Helmick, W Kim, T Litwin B Metz, J Reid, A Sirota, W Ubellacker, P Vieira, "Software System for the Mars 2020 Mission Sampling and Caching Testbeds," DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2018.8396572, 01 January 2018.
  1. B.H. Wilcox, T. Litwin, J. Biesiadecki, J. Matthews, M. Heverly, J. Morrison, J. Townsend, N. Ahmad, A. Sirota, B. Cooper, "ATHLETE: A Cargo Handling and Manipulation Robot for the Moon," Journal of Field Robotics, vol 24, issue 5, May 2007, 421-434, 15 July 2016.
  2. N. Warner, M. Silverman, J. Samuels, L. DeFlores, A. Sengstacken, J. Maki, A. Secondary, S. Peters, T. Litwin, B. Metz, "The Mars Science Laboratory Remote Sensing Mast," Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, 01 March 2016.
  3. S. Peters, L. DeFlores, N., T. Litwin, "Celestial Aspects of Mars Science Laboratory ChemCam Sun-Safety," 39th Annual AAS Guidance & Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, February 5-10, 2016, American Astronautical Society, #AAS 16-145, 01 February 2016.
  1. B. Wilcox, M. San Martin, L. Giersch, S. Howe, H. F. Grip, R. Nayeri, T. Litwin, J. Carlson, M. Shekels, A. Jain, C. Lim, S. Myint, J. Dunkle, A. Sirota, C. Fuller, "Testbed for studying the capture of a small, free-flying asteroid in space," Space 2015 Conference, 01 August 2015.
  1. AS How B Wilcox C Mcquin D Mittman J Townsend R Polit-Casillas T Litwin, "Modular Additive Construction Using Native Materials," Proceedings of the Fourteenth Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2014). St Louis, Missouri. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 10 November 2014.
  1. J. Maki, D. Thiessen, A. Pourangi, P. Kobzeff, T. Litwin, L. Scherr, S. Elliott, A. Dingizian and M. Maimone, "The Mars Science Laboratory Engineering Cameras," Space Science Reviews, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-012-9882-4, 10 May 2012.
  1. A. B. Howard, A. I. Ansar, T. E. Litwin, S. B. Goldberg, "Robot Vision Library," NASA Tech Briefs, , p23, 18 September 2009.
  1. Justin N. Maki, Todd Litwin, Mark Schwochert, Ken Herkenhoff, "Operation and Performance of the Mars Exploration Rover Imaging System on the Martian Surface," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 10 October 2005.
  2. T. E. Litwin, J. N. Maki, "Imaging Services Flight Software on the Mars Exploration Rovers," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 10 October 2005.
  3. T. E. Litwin, "General 3D Acquisition and Tracking of Dot Targets on a Mars Rover Prototype," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 10 October 2005.
  1. J. N. Maki, J. F. Bell III, K. E. Herkenhoff, S. W. Squyres, A. Kiely, M. Klimesh, M. Schwochert, T. Litwin, R. Willson, A. Johnson, M. Maimone, E. Baumgartner, A. Collins, M. Wadsworth, S. T. Elliot, A. Dingizian, D. Brown, E. C. Hagerott, L. Scherr, R. Deen, D. Alexander, and J. Lorre, "The Mars Exploration Rover Engineering Cameras," J. Geophys. Res., Vol 108, No. E12, 2003, 12-1 to 12-24, 01 January 2003.
  1. L. Matthies, T. Litwin, K. Owens, A. Rankin, K. Murphy, D. Coombs, J. Gilsinn, T. Hong, S. Legowik, M, Nashman, and B. Yoshimi, "Performance Evaluation of UGV Obstacle Detection with CCD/FLIR Stereo Vision and LADAR," Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Perception for Mobile Agents, Santa Barbara, CA, 01 June 1998.
  1. J. Crisp, T. E. Litwin, J. J. Lorre, D. A. Alexander, A. J. Runkle, T. J. Parker, H. J. Moore, "Pathfinder rover cameras: resolution, stereometry, and geology," Abstract in Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), Fall Meet. 1997 Suppl: F403, 01 January 1997.
  1. L. Matthies, A. Kelly, T. Litwin, G. Tharp, "Obstacle Detection for Unmanned Ground Vehicles: A Progress Report," Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Detroit, MI, 01 September 1995.
  2. L.Matthies, E. Gat, R. Harrison, B.Wilcox, R. Volpe, and T. Litwin,, "Mars Microrover Navigation: Performance Evaluation and Enhancement," International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Pittsburgh, PA, 01 August 1995.
  3. R. Volpe, T. Litwin, L. Matthies, "Mobile Robot Localization by Remote Viewing of a Colored Cylinder," International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Pittsburgh, PA, 01 August 1995.
  1. B. H. Wilcox, A. H. Mishkin, T. E. Litwin, L. H. Matthies, B. K. Cooper, T. T. Nguyen, E. Gat, D. B. Gennery, R. J. Firby, D. P. Miller, J. L. Loch, M. G. Slack, "Experimental Semiautonomous Vehicle," NASA Tech Briefs, vol 17, no 9, item #91, 01 September 1993.
  2. L. Matthies, P. Grandjean, T. Litwin, B. Wilcox, and J. Morrison, "Range Sensing for Planetary Rovers," European Space Agency Symposium on Computer Vision for Space Applications, Juan-les-Pins, France, 01 September 1993.
  1. Brian Wilcox, "Robotic Vehicles for Planetary Exploration," Journal of Applied Intelligence, 2nd Qtr 1992, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA., pp. 181-193, 01 January 1992.
  1. B. H. Wilcox, K. S. Tso, T. E. Litwin, S. A. Hayati, B. B. Bon, "Robot Grasps Rotating Object," NASA Tech Briefs, vol 15, no 9, item #90, 01 September 1991.
  1. B. Bon, B. Wilcox, T. Litwin, D. B. Gennery, "Operator-Coached Machine Vision for Space Telerobotics," SPIE Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Conference on Cooperative Intelligent Robotics in Space, Boston, MA, SPIE document A92-51701 22-54, pp. 337-342, 01 November 1990.
  2. D. Mittman, B. Bon, C. E. Collins, G. Fleischer, T. Litwin, J. Morrison, J. S. O'Meara, S. F. Peters, J. Brogdon, B.Humeniuk, A. Ladd, J. Lago, M. Sklar, J. Spencer, and B. Wegerif, "The JPL/KSC Telerobotic Inspection Demonstration," Proceedings of the Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 01 May 1990.
  1. B. Wilcox, K. Tso, T. Litwin, S. Hayati, B. Bon, "Autonomous Sensor Based Dual-Arm Satellite Grappling," NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, Pasadena, CA, 31 January 1989.
  2. A. Lokshin, T. Litwin, "Use of 3D Vision for Fine Robot Motions," JPL Publication #89-7, v3, NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, Pasadena, CA, pp.255-262, 31 January 1989.
  1. D. B. Gennery, T. Litwin, B. Wilcox, B. Bon, "Sensing and Perception Research for Space Telerobotics at JPL," 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, NC, pp. 311-317, 31 March 1987.
  2. B. Wilcox, D. B. Gennery, B. Bon, T. Litwin, "Real-Time Model-Based Vision System for Object Acquisition and Tracking," SPIE International Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 15 January 1987.
  1. D. Jefferson, B. Beckman, S. Hughes, E. Levy, T. Litwin, J. Spagnuolo, J. Vavrus, F. Wieland, B. Zimmerman, "Implementation of Time Warp on the Caltech Hypercube," Conference on Distributed Simulation 1985, San Diego, CA, 24 January 1985.
  1. H. N. Royden, T. E. Litwin, R. A. Norman, "Techniques for Determining Electron Content Corrections for Interplanetary Spacecraft Navigation," National Radio Science Meeting, United States National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science, with the IEEE, 13 January 1982.