A. Stoica, F. Salvioli, C. Flowers,
"Remote control of quadrotor teams, using hand gestures,"
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot Interaction (HRI),
01 January 2014.
M. Zhang, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and A. A. Stoorvogel,
"<it>H<sub></sub>∞</it> almost output synchronization for heterogeneous networks in the presence of external disturbances without exchange of controller states,"
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
01 January 2014.
R. Kennedy, L. Balzano, S. J. Wright, and C. J. Taylor,
"Online Algorithms for Factorization-Based Structure from Motion,"
01 January 2014.
J. Nunez-Iglesias, R. Kennedy, S. M. Plaza, A. Chakraborty, and W. T. Katz,
"Graph-based Active Learning of Agglomeration (GALA): a Python library to segment 2D and 3D neuroimages,"
Front. Neuroinform.,
01 January 2014.
R. Kennedy and C. J. Taylor,
"Network Localization from Relative Bearing Measurements,"
01 January 2014.
R. Kennedy, C. J. Taylor, and L. Balzano,
"Online Completion of Ill-conditioned Low-Rank Matrices,"
01 January 2014.
R. Mukherjee, S. Moreland, I. Kim, N. Lele, S. Goodwin, R. Houlihan, A. Parness, A. Wu, M. Cutcisky,
"Computational and Experimental Approach to Understanding Legged Mobility in Micro-ground Vehicles,"
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
01 January 2014.
C. Creager , K. Johnson, M. Plant, S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny,
"Methods of Vehicle Extrication from High Sinkage Terrain,"
Earth and Space Conference,
01 January 2014.
Rudranarayan Mukherjee, Thomas Howard, Steven Myint, Johnny Chang, Jack Craft,
"Vehicle Dynamics Models for Onboard Motion Planning,"
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering,
01 January 2014.
Rudranarayan Mukherjee, Steven Myint, Johnny Chang, Isaac Kim, Jack Craft, Marc Pomerantz, Junggon Kim, Lee Peterson,
"M3TK: A Robot Mobility and Manipulation Modeling Toolkit,"
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering,
01 January 2014.
A. Trebi-Ollennu, A. L. Rankin, Y. Cheng, A. Ansar, J. L. Carsten, W. S. Kim, A. Huertas, I. A. Nesnas, and A. Diaz-Calderon,
"Chapter 10: Advances in Space Robotics Autonomy,"
AIAA, Vol 244 (Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics), Edited by Massimiliano Vasile and Victor M. Becerra, ISBN:978-1-62410-260-8,
01 January 2014.
D Khosla, DJ Huber, C Kanan,
"A Neuromorphic System for Visual Object Recognition,"
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 8: 33-45,
01 January 2014.
R. Tedrake, M. Fallon, S. Karumanchi, S. Kuindersma, M. Antone, T. Schneider, T. Howard, M. Walter, H. Dai, R. Deits, M. Fleder, D. Fourie, R. Hammoud, S. Hemachandra, P. Ilardi, C. Perez-D’Arpino, S. Pillai, A. Valenzuela, C. Cantu, C. Dolan, I. Evans, S. Jorgensen, J. Kristeller, J. A. Shah, K. Iagnemma, S. Teller,
"A Summary of Team MIT’s Approach to the Virtual Robotics Challenge,"
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
01 January 2014.
H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel,
"Synchronization in networks of nonlinear, non-introspective, minimum-phase agents without exchange of controller states,"
Proc. American Control Conference, Portland, OR,
01 January 2014.
T. Yang, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, M. Zhang, and A. A. Stoorvogel,
"Synchronization in networks of minimum-phase, right-invertible, non-introspective agents without exchange of controller states under switching topology: Homogeneous and heterogeneous,"
Proc. American Control Conference, Portland, OR,
01 January 2014.
A. A. Stoorvogel, M. Zhang, A. Saberi, and H. F. Grip,
"Synchronization in networks of weakly-non-minimum-phase, non-introspective agents without exchange of controller states,"
Proc. American Control Conference, Portland, OR,
01 January 2014.
E. Peymani, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, X. Wang, and T. I. Fossen,
"<it>H<sub>∞</sub><it> almost output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of introspective agents under external disturbances,"
Automatica, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 1026-1036,
01 January 2014.
H. F. Grip, M. Ono, J. Balaram, J. Cameron, A. Jain, C. Kuo, S. Myint, M. Quadrelli,
"Modeling and Simulation of Asteroid Retrieval Using a Flexible Capture Mechanism,"
Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf., Big Sky, MT,
01 January 2014.
Y. Pei, T. Lee, T. Chang, D. Ruffatto, M. Spenko, S. Bensmaia,
"A multi-digit tactile motion stimulator,"
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 226, p. 80-87,
01 January 2014.
J. Townsend, et. al.,
"Mars Exploration Rovers 2004-2013: Evolving Operational Tactics Driven by Aging Robotic Systems.,"
AIAA SpaceOps 2014 Conference,
01 January 2014.
T.L., Brown, V.P., Atluri, J.P., Schmiedeler,
"A Low Cost Hybrid Drivetrain Concept Based on Compressed Air Energy Storage,"
Applied Energy,
134, pp. 477-489,
01 January 2014.
T.L., Brown, J.P., Schmiedeler,
"Energetic effects of reaction wheel actuation on underactuated biped robot walking,"
Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation,
01 January 2014.
P. McGarey, S. Saripalli,
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (JIRS), 74.1-2,
p. 363-370,
01 January 2014.
T. Estlin, D. Gaines, B. Bornstein, S. Schaffer, V. Verma, D. Thompson, A. Altinok, R. Anderson, M. Burl, R. Castano, D. Blaney, L. deFlores, T. Nelson, R. Weins,
"Automated Targeting for the MSL Rover ChemCam Spectrometer,"
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2014),
01 January 2014.
Yoshiaki Kuwata, Michael T. Wolf, Dimitri Zarzhitsky, and Terrance Huntsberger,
"Safe Maritime Autonomous Navigation with COLREGS, Using Velocity Obstacles,"
Journal of Oceanic Engineering,
01 January 2014.
A. Trebi-Ollennu, A. Rankin, Y. Cheng, A. Ansar, et al.,
"Advances in Space Robotics Autonomy,"
Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences, AIAA,
01 January 2014.
A. Donnellan, B. Bills, J. Green, S. Jones, R. Knight, J. Goguen, E. DeJong, A. Ansar, et al.,,
"Studying Mountain Glacier Processes Using a Staring Instrument,"
IEEE Aerospace Conference,
01 January 2014.
S. Moreland,
"Traction Processes of Wheels in Loose, Granular Soil,"
(PhD Dissertation)Carnegie Mellon University,
01 December 2013.
D. Helmick, S. McCloskey, A. Okon, J. Carsten, W. Kim, C. Leger,
"Mars Science Laboratory Algorithms and Flight Software for Autonomously Drilling Rocks,"
Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue on Space Robotics Part 1, Volume 30, Issue 6,
01 November 2013.
Matt Heverly, Jaret Matthews, Justin Lin, Dan Fuller, Mark Maimone, Jeffrey Biesiadecki, John Leichty,
"Traverse Performance Characterization for the Mars Science Laboratory Rover,"
Journal of Field Robotics Special Issue: Special Issue on Space Robotics, Part 1 Volume 30, Issue 6, November/December 2013,
23 October 2013.
Mark Maimone,
"Leave the Driving to Autonav,"
Curiosity Rover Report, Mars Science Laboratory Mission, JPL/Caltech video,
19 September 2013.
M. S. Ryoo,
"Human Activity Prediction: Early Recognition of Ongoing Activities from Streaming Videos,"
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo,
"Interactive Learning of Human Activities Using Active Video Composition,"
International Workshop on Stochastic Image Grammars (SIG), in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
07 August 2013.
J. H. Joung, M. S. Ryoo, S. Choi, W. Yu, and H. Chae,
"Background-aware Pedestrian/Vehicle Detection System for Driving Environments,"
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo, S. Choi+, J. H. Joung+, J.-Y. Lee+, and W. Yu,
"Personal Driving Diary: Automated Recognition of Driving Events from First-Person Videos,"
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU),
07 August 2013.
Y. Iwashita+, M. S. Ryoo+, T. J. Fuchs, and C. Padgett,
"Recognizing Humans in Motion: Trajectory-based Aerial Video Analysis,"
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo and L. Matthies,
"First-Person Activity Recognition: What Are They Doing to Me?,"
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
07 August 2013.
J. H. Joung, M. S. Ryoo, S. Choi, and S. R. Kim,
"Reliable Object Detection and Segmentation Using Inpainting,"
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo and W. Yu,
"One Video is Sufficient? Human Activity Recognition Using Active Video Composition,"
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo, J. Lee, J. Joung, S. Choi, and W. Yu,
"Personal Driving Diary: Constructing a Video Archive of Everyday Driving Events,"
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo, J. Joung, S. Choi, and W. Yu,
"Incremental Learning of Novel Activity Categories from Videos,"
16th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo+, J. T. Lee+, and J. K Aggarwal,
"Video Scene Analysis of Interactions between Humans and Vehicles Using Event Context,"
ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR),
07 August 2013.
M. S. Ryoo, C.-C. Chen, J. K. Aggarwal, and A. Roy-Chowdhury,
"An Overview of Contest on Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) 2010,"
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Contests,
07 August 2013.
A.K Krishnan, P. McGarey, S. Saripalli, J.F Bell,
"NIR-CAM: Development of a Near Infrared Camera,"
IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE),
01 January 2013.
E. Peymani, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and T. I. Fossen,
"<it>H<sub>∞</sub></it> almost synchronization for homogeneous networks of non-introspective SISO agents under external disturbances,"
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 4012-4017,
01 January 2013.
X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, H. F. Grip, and T. Yang,
"Synchronization for heterogeneous networks of introspective right-invertible agents with uniform constant communication delay,"
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 5198-5203,
01 January 2013.
T.L., Brown V.P., Atluri J.P. Schmiedeler,
"Design of High Speed Rotary Valves for Pneumatic Applications,"
ASME Journal of Mechanical Design,
01 January 2013.
X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, H. F. Grip, and T. Yang,
"Synchronization for homogeneous networks of non- introspective non-right-invertible agents with uniform constant communication delay,"
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 7351-7357,
01 January 2013.
J. Cameron, S. Myint, C. Kuo, A. Jain, H. F. Grip, P. Jayakumar, and J. Overholt,
"Real-time and high-fidelity simulation environment for autonomous ground vehicle dynamics,"
NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Troy, MI,
01 January 2013.
A. Donnellan, J. Green, B. Bills, J. Goguen, A. Ansar, et al.,
"Global Monitoring of Mountain Glaciers Using High-resolution Staring Imaging from the International Space Station,"
Fall AGU Meeting,
01 January 2013.
Nicolas Hudson, Jeremy Ma, Paul Hebert, Abhinandan Jain, Max Bajracharya, Thomas Allen, Rangoli Sharan, Matanya Horowitz, Calvin Kuo, Thomas Howard · Larry Matthies, Paul Backes, Joel Burdick,
"Model-Based Autonomous System for Performing Dexterous, Human-Level Manipulation Tasks.,"
Journal of Autonomous Robots (AURO) (submitted).,
01 January 2013.
Paul Hebert, Nicolas Hudson, Jeremy Ma, and Joel Burdick.,
"Dual arm estimation for coordinated bimanual manipulation.,"
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).,
01 January 2013.
Paul Hebert, Nicolas Hudson, Jeremy Ma, and Joel Burdick.,
"The next best touch for model-based localization, parametrization and identification of objects.,"
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).,
01 January 2013.
M. Bajracharya, J. Ma, M. Malchano, A. Perkins, A. Rizzi, L. Matthies,
"High Fidelity Day/Night Stereo Mapping with Vegetation and Negative Obstacle Detection for Vision-in-the-Loop Walking,"
Intelligent Robots and Systems (Submitted),
01 January 2013.
P. Hebert, J. Ma, N. Hudson, J. Burdick,
"Multi-Sensor Dual Arm State Estimation for Coordinated Bimanual Manipulation,"
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
01 January 2013.
P. Hebert, N. Hudson, J. Ma, T. Howard, J. Burdick.,
"Action Inference: The Next Best Touch for Model-Based Object Localization, Parameterization, and Identification,"
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
01 January 2013.
N. Hudson, J. Ma, P. Hebert, A. Jain, M. Bajracharya, T. Allen, R. Sharan, M. Horowitz, C. Kuo, T. Howard, L. Matthies, P. Backes, J. Burdick,
"Model-Based Autonomous System for Performing Dexterous, Human-Level Manipulation Tasks,"
Autonomous Robots (Submitted),
01 January 2013.
P. Trautman, J. Ma, R. Murray, A. Krause,
"Robotic Navigation in Dense Human Crowds: The Case for Cooperation,"
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Nominated Best Conference Paper),
01 January 2013.
T. Ivanov, A. Huertas, J.M. Carson,
"Probabilistic Hazard Detection for Autonomous Safe Landing,"
To appear in proc. of IEEE Aerospace Conf.,
01 January 2013.
"Transformers: Shape-Changing Space Systems Built with Robotic Textiles,"
01 January 2013.
A Stoica, T Theodoridis, H Hu, K McDonald-Maier, DF Barrero,
"Towards human-friendly efficient control of multi-robot teams,"
Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), 2013 International Conference,
01 January 2013.
R. OFlaherty, P. Vieira, M.X. Grey, P. Oh, A. Bobick, M. Stilman,
"Humanoid Robot Teleoperation for Tasks with Power Tools,"
IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications,
01 January 2013.
E. Peymani, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, X. Wang, and T. I. Fossen,
"<i>H<sub>∞</sub></i> almost synchronization for non-identical introspective multi-agent systems under external disturbances,"
Proc. American Control Conference, Washington, DC, pp. 3808-3813,
01 January 2013.
J. Nunez-Iglesias, R. Kennedy, T. Parag, J. Shi, and D. Chklovskii,
"Machine learning of hierarchical clustering to segment 2D and 3D images,"
01 January 2013.
E. Peymani, H. F. Grip, Ali Saberi, Xu Wang, and Thor I. Fossen,
"<i>H<sub>∞</sub></i> almost regulated synchronization and <i>H<sub>∞</sub></i> almost formation for heterogeneous networks under external disturbances,"
Proc. European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 1890-1895,
01 January 2013.
E. Kulczycki, C. Galey, B. Kennedy, C. Budney, D. Bame, R. Van Schilfgaarde, N. Aisen, J. Townsend, P. Younse, and J. Piacentine,
"The development of a Martian atmospheric Sample collection canister.,"
Aerospace Conference, 2013 IEEE,
01 January 2013.