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  1. H. Seraji, "Design of pole-placement compensators for multivariable systems," Automatica, 16(3), pp. 335-338, 01 January 1980.
  2. H. Seraji, "Design of multivariable PID controllers for pole placement," Int. J. Control, 32(4), pp. 661-668, 01 January 1980.
  3. H. Seraji, "Pole placement in multivariable systems using proportional-derivative output feedback," Int. J. Control, 31(1), pp. 195-207, 01 January 1980.
  4. B. McCann and L. Matthies, "The CRG Frame Buffer," Technical Report CR-80- 16, Computer Research Laboratory, Tektronix Laboratories, Beaverton, Oregon, 01 January 1980.
  1. H. Seraji, "Design of proportional-plus-integral controllers for multivariable systems," Int. J. Control, 29(1), pp. 49-65, 01 January 1979.
  2. H. Seraji, "Pole assignment and determination of residual polynomial,," IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, AC-24(3), pp. 478-479, 01 January 1979.
  1. L. Matthies, "Interactive Graphics Software for Tektronix Devices on the M.D.S.L. PDP-11/60 Computer," Laboratory Technical Report LTR-SH-238, Marine Dynamics and Ship Laboratory, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, 01 August 1978.
  2. H. Seraji, "A note on pole assignment with output feedback," Int. J. Control, 27(1), pp. 141-142, 01 January 1978.
  3. H. Seraji, "A new method for pole placement using output feedback," Int. J. Control, 28(1), pp. 147-155, 01 January 1978.
  4. H. Seraji, "On pole placement using output feedback," Electronics Letters, 14(23), pp.739-741, 01 January 1978.
  5. R.V. Patel, H. Seraji, "A note on pole placement using dynamic compensators," Int. J. Control, 27(4), pp. 653-655, 01 January 1978.
  6. H. Seraji, "Design of multivariable Pill controllers with application to a gas-turbine," Proc. 4th IFAC Symposium on Multivariable Systems, Fredericton. Vol. 2, pp. 463-469, 01 January 1978.
  7. H. Seraji, "Design of PI controllers for multivariable systems," Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, pp. 809-814, 01 January 1978.
  1. H. Seraji, M. Tarokh, "Design of PMD controllers for multivariable systems," Int. J. Control, 26(1), pp. 75-83, 01 January 1977.
  2. H. Seraji, M. Tarokh, "Design of proportional-plus-derivative output feedback for pole assignment," Proc. lEEE, 124(8), pp. 729-732, 01 January 1977.
  3. M. Tarokh, H. Seraji, "Proportional-plus-multiple derivative output feedback: A new multivariable controller for pole placement," Int. J. Control, 25(2), pp. 293-302, 01 January 1977.
  4. H. Seraji, "Comments on pole assignment in linear systems with structurally constrained dynamic compensators," Int. J. Control, 26(5), pp. 819-820, 01 January 1977.
  5. H. Seraji, M. Tarokh, "Pole placement using proportional-plus-derivative output feedback," Proc. Joint Aut. Control Conf., San Francisco, pp. 970-974, 01 January 1977.
  6. F. Fallside, R. V. Patel, H. Seraji, "Review of a pole-zero assignment design method," Control System Design by Pole-Zero Assignment, edited by F. Fallside, Academic Press, pp. 43-50, 01 January 1977.
  7. H. Seraji, "On output feedback control of linear multivariable systems," Control System Design by Pole-Zero Assignment, edited by F. Fallside, Academic Press, pp. 196-210, 01 January 1977.
  1. H. Seraji, "Stabilization and pole placement using output feedback," Int. J. Control, 23(1), pp. 105-112, 01 January 1976.
  1. H. Seraji, "Design of multivariable systems using unity-rank state feedback: further results," Electronics Letters, 11(2), pp. 34-35, 01 January 1975.
  2. H. Seraji, "Deadbeat control of discrete-time systems using output feedback," Int. J. Control, 21(2), pp. 213-223, 01 January 1975.
  3. H. Seraji, "Design of cascade controllers for zero assignment in multivariable systems," Int. J. Control, 21(3), pp. 485-496, 01 January 1975.
  4. H. Seraji, "Cyclicity of linear multivariable systems," Int. J. Control, 21(3), pp. 497-504, 01 January 1975.
  5. H. Seraji, "An approach to dynamic compensator design for pole assignment," Int. J. Control, 21(6), pp. 955-966, 01 January 1975.
  6. H. Seraji, "Pole assignment techniques for multivariable systems using unity-rank output feedback," Int. J. Control, 21(6), pp. 945-954, 01 January 1975.
  7. H. Seraji, "Unattainability of certain pole positions in single-input systems with output feedback," Int. J. Control, 22(1), pp. 119-123, 01 January 1975.
  8. H. Seraji, "Pole assignment using dynamic compensators with prespecified poles," Int. J. Control, 22(2), pp. 271-279, 01 January 1975.
  1. H. Seraji, "Restrictions on attainable poles and methods for pole assignment with output feedback," Proc.IEEE, 121(3), pp. 205-212, 01 January 1974.
  2. H. Seraji, "Design of pole-shifting and optimal controllers for a synchronous generator," Proc. Ninth Universities Power Engineering Conference, Cambridge, 01 January 1974.
  3. H. Seraji, "Direct method for pole assignment in single-input systems with output feedback," Electronics Letters, 10(12), pp. 243-244, 01 January 1974.
  4. H. Seraji, "On pole-shifting using output feedback," Int. J. Control, 20(5), pp. 721-726, 01 January 1974.
  1. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Design of multivariable systems using unity-rank feedback," Int. J. Control, 17(2), pp. 351-364, 01 January 1973.
  2. H. Seraji, "Stabilization by means of output feedback," Proc. IEEE, 120(11), pp. 1428-1432, 01 January 1973.
  3. F. Fallside, R.V. Patel, H. Seraji, "Design of linear multivariable systems using interactive graphics," Proc. Computer-Aided Control System Design Conference, Cambridge, pp. 101-112, 01 January 1973.
  4. H. Seraji, "Design of cascade controllers for zero assignment," Proc. Computer-Aided Control System Design Conference, Cambridge, 01 January 1973.
  1. F. Fallside, R.V. Patel, and H. Seraji, "Interactive graphics technique for the design of single-input feedback systems," Proc. IEEE, 119(2), pp. 247-254, 01 January 1972.
  2. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Direct design procedure for single-input feedback systems," Int. J. Electronics, 32(1), pp. 95-106, 01 January 1972.
  3. F. Fallside, R.V. Patel, and H. Seraji, "Synthesizing closed-loop single-input systems by response fitting," Int. J. Electronics, 33(6), pp. 717-720, 01 January 1972.
  4. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Steady-state values for a class of multivariable feedback systems," Electronics Letters, 8(2), pp. 42-43, 01 January 1972.
  5. F. Fallside, R.V. Patel, H. Seraji, "Interactive single-input system design using a graphics terminal,," Proc. 2nd International Computer-Aided Design Conference, Southampton, pp. 86-91, 01 January 1972.
  1. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Direct design procedure for multivariable feedback systems," Proc. IEEE, 117(10), pp. 2017-2024, 01 January 1971.
  2. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Pole-shifting procedure for multivariable systems using output feedback," Proc. IEEE, 118(11), pp. 1648-1654, 01 January 1971.
  3. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Design of optimal multivariable systems by a frequency-domain technique," Proc. 2nd IFAC Symposium on Multivariable Systems, Dusseldorf, paper 2.2.1, 01 January 1971.
  4. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Steady-state values in single-input feedback systems," Electronics Letters, 7(8), pp. 197-198, 01 January 1971.
  5. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "A graphics technique for the design of multivariable systems," Proc. 4th UKAC Convention on Multivariable Control System Design and Applications, Manchester, pp. 87-92, 01 January 1971.
  1. *F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Design of optimal systems by a frequency-domain technique," Proc. IEEE,117(10), pp. 2017-2024, 01 January 1970.
  2. F. Fallside, H. Seraji, "Optimality and closed-loop pole positions for single-input systems<br> <BR>*[Professor F. Fallside was the Ph.D. advisor of H. Seraji. In doctoral publications, authors' names appear in alphabetical order.]," Electronics Letters, 6(22), pp. 721-723, 01 January 1970.
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