09/01/2023 - Team Award - CADRE Telecom Team - The CADRE Lunar Rover Telecom team successfully completed the entire Phase B-C telecom subsystem development on an accelerated 14-month schedule with a limited 1.3M dollar budget. This multi-rover mission has 4 RF components, inter-rover telecom, return link telecom, inter-rover ranging, and rover ground penetrating radar. The team was also challenged with late requirement additions to include ethernet networking capability and incorporating an ultra-wideband chip for the inter-rover ranging. Spectrum compatibility concerns as well as inter-rover propagation and multipath were some of the technical challenges that the team has solved with innovative analyses and extensive field test campaigns, leading to the first flight subsystem to deliver to the CADRE project.
06/07/2023 - Voyager Award - Mars 2020 (Perseverance) - For your outstanding leadership of Go and Hover Phase 0, which will enable advanced onboard autonomy for the Robotic Arm and its instruments
06/07/2023 - Team Award - Mars 2020 (Perseverance) - For your significant contribution to the test program and delivery of Go and Hover Phase 0 capabilities to flight, which will enable advanced onboard autonomy for the Robotic Arm and its instruments
04/04/2023 - NASA Honor Award (2021) - Mars 2020 Sampling and Caching Subsystem Team - For exceptional performance in the design, build, and test of the Mars 2020 Sampling and Caching Subsystem.
08/25/2022 - Team Award - IceNode Vehicle Team - For completing 3 rounds of field testing, significantly raising the TRL of IceNode, and enabling its inclusion in upcoming proposals