Yoshiaki Kuwata joined the Advanced Robotic Controls Group in 2008. Prior to joining JPL, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT, working on the planning and control systems for the DARPA Urban Challenge 2007. His other project experience includes the development and fabrication of a nano-satellite, robust trajectory optimization using Mixed-integer Linear Programming (MILP), and cooperative control of a team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
S.M. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.Eng. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- MSL/ALHAT GN&C Field Test: Qt-based GUI
- CUTR (Cluttered Urban Terrain Robotics): RRT-based path planning with many moving obstacles
- Titan navigation: Wind-assisted graph-based path planning for Titan balloons
- MAST (Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology): UKF-based state estimation and monocular vision-based
landing controller; system-level analysis tool
- USSV (Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicle): moving-obstacle avoidance; on-water tests of CARACaS and cameras
- LSOS (Lunar Surface Operation Simulator): Finite-State-Machine based scenario execution; A*-based path planner for long-range traversal of LER on lunar terrain
- FPGA-based rover navigation: Integrate GESTALT with ASAP (ATHLETE System Architecture Platform)
- Mars Sample Return: statistical approach for coupled EDL/surface mobility system trade-off
Motion/path planning for unmanned vehicles in a dynamic and uncertain environment. Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC). Planning over closed-loop dynamics.