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Jacob Izraelevitz


4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 82-111D

Pasadena, CA 91101

Member of:

347C - Extreme Environment Robotics Systems

Jacob Izraelevitz

Group Leader


Jacob is a robotics technologist and group lead at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Jacob is the Principal Investigator of JPL's Venus Variable Altitude Aerobots task, developing the technology for long duration buoyant flight in the Venus cloudlayer. His other tasks at JPL bridge the interface between fluid dynamics and robotics, including the design of planetary rotorcraft and underwater vehicles.


Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Franklin W. Olin College, 2011

Professional Experience

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Robotics Technologist, Aug 2017-Present
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Assistant, Sept 2011 - June 2017
Tesla Motors, Quality Engineering Intern, June 2011 - Aug 2011
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Summer Student Fellow, June 2010 - Aug 2010

Research Interests

Jacob maintains research interests in unsteady flows, aerial/underwater robotics, and mechanical design. His thesis work investigated the fluid dynamics and control of flapping wings.

Flight Project and Research Task Involvement

Research Tasks
Mars Science Helicopter
Venus Variable Altitude Aerobots