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Vladimir Arutyunov


4800 Oak Grove Drive

M/S 82-105

Pasadena, CA 91109


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Vladimir Arutyunov

Robotics Mechanical Engineer


Vlad is a Robotics Mechanical Engineer in the Mobility and Robotic Systems Section at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

He currently serves as the Robotic Arm Systems Engineer for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) surface mission (a.k.a. the Curiosity Rover) and the Task Lead for Advanced End Effector Concepts for NASA and Reimbursable Sponsors.

Vlad's work has clustered around hardware development, operations development, systems engineering, and verification & validation of robotic hardware systems, particularly end effectors and arms, for space applications including sample acquisition, sample handling, and gripping and anchoring for rock, ice, and artificial surfaces. He has contributed to or led teams for various flight and research projects. His primary research interests in robotics are centered around intra-system interoperability of robotic manipulation hardware, particularly for robotic end effector tool exchange in extreme and contamination-rich environments (e.g. moon, mars, underwater).


8/2010 - 12/2015 California State University Northridge - B.S., Mechanical Engineering, minor in Sustainability. Cum Laude.

Professional Experience

(2024-Present) Task Lead, Advanced End Effector Concepts for NASA and Reimbursable Sponsors (JPL Robotics internal link).

  • Independent research and development task to understand the technical and programmatic landscape of robot tool exchange capabilities for extreme and contamination rich environments, primarily targeting the lunar surface, and propose advanced and novel approaches, concepts, designs, and methods to closing the gap for NASA and non-NASA sponsors.

(2024-Present) Robotic Arm Systems Engineer, Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) (Curiosity Rover)

  • Flight downlink operations, anomaly resolution, ground testing, and overall flight robotic arm health and safety responsibility for Curiosity's ongoing extended surface mission.

(2023-2024) Robotic Systems Engineer, On-Orbit Assembly Testbed Systems (OATS), Capture, Containment, and Return System (CCRS), Mars Sample Return (MSR)

  • Lead systems engineer for the MSR-CCRS subsystem tasked with flight V&V testbed systems architecture, planning, design, and delivery for all JPL CCRS flight robotic subsystems. Mechanical, electrical, software, and operations architecture. System requirements derivation and ownership, analysis, and V&V. Technical direction and mentorship to multiple teams.

(2021-2023) Testbeds Lead, Robotic Transfer Assembly System (RTAS), Capture, Containment, and Return System (CCRS), Mars Sample Return (MSR)

  • Lead systems engineer the Testbeds Team within the Robotic Transfer Assembly System (RTAS) flight robotic subsystem. Flight V&V testbed systems architecture, planning, design, and delivery. Mechanical, electrical, software, and operations architecture. System requirements derivation and ownership, analysis, and V&V. Multi-disciplinary technical direction.

(2018-2021) Test Lead, Robotics Systems Engineer, Adaptive Caching Assembly (ACA), Mars 2020 Sampling & Caching Subsystem (SCS)

  • Test Lead for Flight Model ACA & Sampling Handling Arm (SHA) V&V.
  • Robotics V&V Team. ACA and Sample Handling Arm (SHA) operations development and testing, early Bit Exchange testing, SHA life testing, Engineering Model risk reduction test ownership.

(2018) Mechanical Engineer, Ice-Anchoring End Effector, IceWorm

  • Mechanical concept, design, fabrication, assembly, integration, benchtop testing, and delivery of an ice-anchoring end effector, leading to successful field tests in a glacial cave. (See also: YouTube)

(2017) Mechanical Engineer, Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) (Curiosity Rover)

  • Lead for the replacement operation/surgery of the robotic arm force-torque sensor in the Engineering Model rover.
  • Test support equipment hardware and instrumentation design and software for the development of Feed-Extended Drilling (FED) techniques.

(2017) Mechanical Engineer, Comet Surface Sample Return

(2016-2017) Cognizant Engineer, Microspine Tool Drivetrain, Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission (ARRM)

  • Mechanical detailed design, analysis, assembly, integration, and testing of prototype/TRL-5 Microspine Gripper Tool drivetrain.
  • Support Engineer for test software, test operations, and launch lock concepts.
  • Developed a novel bi-directional drive system.

(2015-2016) Mechanical Engineering Intern, Microspine Tool Drivetrain, Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission (ARRM)

  • Mechanical architecture, early design concepts and analyses, developmental rapid prototyping and testing for the Microspine Gripper Tool drivetrain.

(2014) Mechanical Engineering Intern, Gecko Gripper, In-situ & Remote Inspection Robot (IRIS)

Research Interests

Robotic tool exchange in extreme and contamination-rich environments, interoperability for robotic manipulation, lunar surface robotics (construction/assembly, mining, ISRU, sampling, assembly), robotic systems engineering, extraterrestrial sampling and mobility, in-space assembly and manufacturing, existential and catastrophic risks, emerging technologies, philosophy of engineering, philosophy of technology, philosophy of science, meta-engineering, engineering methodology, engineering education.


JPL Team Award, 2024

Mars Sample Return (MSR) Program, Capture, Containment, and Return System (CCRS) Project

  • On-Orbit Assembly Testbed Systems (OATS) Team

JPL Team Award, 2023

Mars Sample Return (MSR) Program, Capture, Containment, and Return System (CCRS) Project

  • Robotic Transfer Assembly System (RTAS) Team

JPL Team Award, 2020

Mars 2020, Sampling and Caching Subsystem (SCS)

  • Adaptive Caching Assembly (ACA) Team

JPL Voyager Award, 2018 (Individual)

Mars Science Laboratory, Engineering Operations

  • For outstanding technical excellence developing and conducting the replacement of the faulty Robotic Arm Force Torque Sensor in VSTB.

NASA Honor Award, 2018

MSL VSTB Support and Upgrade Team – Group Achievement Award

  • For outstanding achievement supporting and improving the MSL VSTB in parallel with high priority testing support, anomaly investigations and hardware re-configurations.

JPL Team Award, 2016

Microspine Tool for the Asteroid Redirect Mission

  • For major progress with microspine gripper tool development leading to successful passing of the KDP-B milestone.

Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America, 2015 (Individual)

  • Young Engineer Award