Tyler Del Sesto joined the Robot Operations Group in 2016. His work on rover control and navigation relates to the MSL and the Mars 2020 rovers. Previously, Tyler developed control algorithms and performed human testing for lower-limb robotic prosthetics at Carnegie Mellon University.
M.S. (2016) Mech. Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Univ. (focus: Controls, Simulation, and Biomechanical Interactions of Robotic Prosthetics)
B.S (2014) Mech. Engineering, Brown Univ. (focus: Systems and Design, Solid Mechanics)
Robotics System Engineer at JPL (2016-present)
GNC Intern under Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies at Goddard SFC (2015)
Quality Engineering, Hardware Marketing, & Student Ambassador at The MathWorks, Inc. (2012-2016)
Control of Robotic Systems
Simulation Development and Testing
Autonomous Navigation
Human-Robot Interactions