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Scott Moreland


4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 82-105

Pasadena, CA 91101

Member of:

347B - Applied Robotic Systems

Dr. Scott Moreland

Group Leader


Scott Moreland is a member of the Robotic Vehicles and Manipulators Group. His work typically involves systems that interact with the ground either for mobility or sampling purposes. Of particular interest to Dr. Moreland is the development of traction devices for extreme surface materials and micro-gravity environments. His experience includes the design and fielding of robotic vehicles, mechanism/machine design and mechanical systems testing.


PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
MSc, Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University, 2009
BAS, Mechanical Engineering
University of Toronto, 2007

Professional Experience

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2013-present
Mars Sample Return Rover Formulation 2017-present
Mars 2020 Mobility Subsystem Team 2014-present
Enceladus Surface Sample Acquisition for In Situ Measurements Return Research and Technology Development – Task Manager 2018-present
Sampling Chain for Comet Surface Sample Return Research and Technology Development – Task Manager 2013-2018
MSL Wheel Tiger Team 2014-2016

Research Interests

Surface mobility, microgravity mobility, terramechanics, wheels, traction devices, excavation, planetary sampling, off-road vehicles


  1. W. Reid, T. Bartlett, A. Bouton, M. Strub, M. Newby, S. Gerdts, J. Martin, S. Moreland, and R. McCormick, "Planning and Control for Autonomous Drives of the Mars Sample Recovery Helicopter," 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, pp. 1-11, 02 March 2024.
  1. F. Mier-Hicks, H. Grip, A. Kalantari, S. Moreland, B. Pipenberg, M. Keennon, T. Canham, M. Pauken, E. Decrossas, T. Tzanetos, J. Balaram, "Sample Recovery Helicopter," 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, pp, 1-11, 04 March 2023.
  2. E. Marteau, K. Wehage, S. Higa, S. Moreland, G. Meirion-Griffith, "Geotechnical assessment of terrain strength properties on Mars using the Perseverance rover’s abrading bit," Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 107, pp. 13-22, 16 February 2023.
  1. S. Backus, S. Moreland, L. Kerber, and R. McCormick, "Design and Use of the Cold Operable Lunar Deployable Arm End Effector for Geotechnical Investigations," 2021 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, LPI Contribution No. 2635, id.5035, 31 August 2021.
  2. K. Carpenter, M. L. Cable, M. Choukroun, S. Iacoponi, S. Moreland, M. Heverly, H. Nayar, B. Kennedy, J. Bowkett, W. Reid, "The Science Case for Surface Mobility on Icy Worlds," Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 53, p. 186, 01 May 2021.
  3. Badescu, M., Okamoto, T., Backes, P., Moreland, S., Riccobono, D., Kugel, M., Brinkman, A., Choukroun, M., Molaro, J., Newbold, T., Heness, A., "The Dual-Rasp Sampling System Design with Closed Pneumatic Sample Transfer.," IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-11, 06 March 2021.
  1. Dhaouadi, W., Marteau, E., Kolvenbach, H., Choukroun, M., Molaro, J. L., Hodyss, R., Backes, P., Moreland, S., Badescu, M., Okamoto, T., & others., "Robotic Exploration of Enceladus’ Surface: Sampling, Testing, and Modeling," IROS Workshop on Planetary Exploration Robots: Challenges and Opportunities (PLANROBO20), 29 October 2020.
  2. Mathieu Choukroun, Jamie L Molaro, Robert Hodyss, Eloise Marteau, Paul Backes, Elizabeth Megan Carey, Wassim Dhaouadi, Scott Moreland, Erland M Schulson, "Strength evolution of ice plume deposit analogs of Enceladus and Europa," Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 47, 29 July 2020.
  1. R. Toda, S. Moreland, M. Badescu, P. Backes, V. Arutyunov, J. Tims, V. Scott, and H. Manohara, "Development and Validation of Fiberscope Sample Imaging System for In-Situ Sample Assessment," 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, pp. 1-10, 03 March 2018.
  1. S, Moreland G, Diaz Lankenau, I, De Candido P, Backes, M, Badescu, "Penetration Mechanics Modeling & Validation of Blade Implements into Porous, Brittle Comet Simulant," IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 01 March 2017.
  1. P, Backes; S, Moreland; H, Manohara; J, Green; J, Grimes-York; M, Basescu; P, Vieira; R, Toda; E, Carey; G, Peters, "Experimental Results with the BiBlade Sampling Chain for Comet Surface Sampling," IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 01 March 2016.
  1. K. Skonieczny, S. Moreland, V. Asnani, C. Creager, D. Wettergreen, "Visualizing and Analyzing Machine-soil Interactions Using Computer Vision," Journal of Field Robotics, Volume 31, Issue 5, pages 820–836, 24 January 2015.
  2. D. Loret de Mola Lemus, D. Kohanbash, S. Moreland, D. Wettergreen, "Slope Descent using Plowing to Minimize Slip for Planetary Rovers," Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue: Special Issue on Field and Service Robotics, Volume 31, Issue 5, pages 803–819, 24 January 2015.
  3. C. Creager, K. Johnson, M. Plant, S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, "Push–pull Locomotion for Vehicle Extrication," Journal of Terramechanics, 01 January 2015.
  1. C. Creager , K. Johnson, M. Plant, S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, "Methods of Vehicle Extrication from High Sinkage Terrain," Earth and Space Conference, 01 January 2014.
  2. P. Backes, C. McQuin, M. Badescu, A. Ganino, H. Manohara, Y. Bae, R. Toda, N. Wiltsie, S. Moreland, J. Grimes-York, P. Walkemeyer, E. Kulczycki, C. Dandino, "Sampling System Concepts for a Touch-and-Go Architecture Comet Surface Sample Return Mission," American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 01 January 2014.
  3. R. Mukherjee, S. Moreland, I. Kim, N. Lele, S. Goodwin, R. Houlihan, A. Parness, A. Wu, M. Cutcisky, "Computational and Experimental Approach to Understanding Legged Mobility in Micro-ground Vehicles," ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 01 January 2014.
  1. S. Moreland, "Traction Processes of Wheels in Loose, Granular Soil," (PhD Dissertation)Carnegie Mellon University, 01 December 2013.
  1. K. Skonieczny, S. Moreland, D. Wettergreen, "A Grouser Spacing Equation for Determining Appropriate Geometry of Planetary Rover Wheels," Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Conference, 01 October 2012.
  2. S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, and D. Wettergreen, "Motion Analysis System for Robot Traction Device Evaluation and Design," International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, 01 July 2012.
  3. D. Kohanbash, S. Moreland, and D. Wettergreen, "Plowing for Rover Control on Extreme Slopes," Field and Service Robotics Conference, 01 July 2012.
  4. C. Creager, S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, K. Johnson, V. Asnani, and R. Gilligan, "Benefit of "Push-pull" Locomotion for Planetary Rover Mobility," Earth and Space Conference, 01 April 2012.
  5. I. Vlahinic, J. Andrade, K. Skonieczny, S. Moreland, and D. Wettergreen, "Rover Mobility on Granular Soil: Marrying Multi-scale Modeling and High Fidelity Experiments to Infer Soil Stresses Under the Moving Wheel," Earth and Space Conference, 01 April 2012.
  6. K. Skonieczny, S. Moreland, C. Creager, and D. Wettergreen, "Novel Experimental Technique for Visualizing and Analyzing Robot-Soil Interactions," Earth and Space Conference, 01 April 2012.
  7. S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, H. Inotsume, and D. Wettergreen, "Soil Behavior of Wheels with Grousers for Planetary Rovers," IEEE Aerospace Conference, 01 March 2012.
  1. K. Skonieczny, S. Moreland, D. Wettergreen, and W. Whittaker, "Advantageous Bucket-wheel Configuration for Lightweight Planetary Excavators," International Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS), 01 September 2011.
  2. S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, D. Wettergreen, C. Creager, and V. Asnani, "Soil Motion Analysis System for Examining Wheel-Soil Shearing," International Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS), 01 September 2011.
  3. S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, and D. Wettergreen, "Inching Locomotion for Planetary Rover Mobility," IEEE Aerospace, 01 March 2011.
  1. D. Wettergreen, S.vMoreland, K. Skonieczny, D. Jonak, D. Kohanbash, and J. Teza, "Design and Field Experimentation of a Prototype Lunar Prospector," International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 1550 - 1564., 01 October 2010.
  1. D. Wettergreen, D. Jonak, D. Kohanbash, S. Moreland, S. Spiker, and J. Teza, "Field Experiments in Mobility and Navigation with a Lunar Rover Prototype," Field and Service Robotics Conference, 01 July 2009.
  2. D. Wettergreen, D. Jonak, D. Kohanbash, S. Moreland, S. Spiker, J. Teza, and W. Whittaker, "Design and Experimentation of a Rover Concept for Lunar Crater Resource Survey," 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 01 January 2009.