4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 198-219
Dr. Gareth Meirion-Griffith is currently on detail at NASA HQ for STMD and managing the Lunar Surface Technology Research (LuSTR) program for the Space Tech Research Grants office.
Until 2020 he was the Supervisor for the Robotic Climbers and Grippers group. He is a NIAC Fellow and functions as the Principal Investigator on multiple SMD, STMD, and JPL funded projects. Gareths technology interests typically lie in the development of low TRL (1-5) mobility systems for extreme terrain.
When not behind his laptop, Gareth enjoys field testing robots in remote locations and driving Curiosity on the surface of Mars.
Illinois Institute of Technology 2012
Ph.D. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Surrey 2008
M.Sc. Satellite Engineering
Kingston University 2006
B.Eng. Aerospace Engineering
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2015 - Present
Group Supervisor
Dynamic Motion Control Inc. 2012 - 2014
Systems Engineer
EUMETSAT Operations Centre 2006 - 2007
Spacecraft Controller
Extreme-Terrain Access, surface mobility, terramechanics, vehicle-terrain interaction, wheel-on-limb mobility, novel & creative technology development.