4800 Oak Grove Drive
Daniel Loret is a Robotics Technologist in the Robotic Manipulation and Sampling Group at Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Currently, he develops software for the Mars 2020 mission: an operations tool to quantify rover mobility uncertainty, and the software infrastructure to test and validate the rover’s Sampling and Caching System. Before this, he developed real-time software for motion control of self-driving vehicles at Uber, where he was in charge of the trajectory management subsystem. Prior to this, he worked at Vecna Technologies where he developed a real-time control architecture that accommodates different robotic configurations, enforces safety behaviors, and operates at high frequencies. In 2013 he received his Master of Science in Robotics degree from Carnegie Mellon University. His master’s research focused on the development of a novel automatic system to control slip of planetary rovers during descent on extreme slopes.
M.S. Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
B.S. Mechatronics Engineering, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010
Robotics Technologist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2019 - present
Autonomy Engineer - Vehicle Control, Uber Advanced Technologies Center, LLC, 2016 - 2019
Robotics Control Systems Engineer, Vecna Technologies, Inc., 2013 - 2016
Control of robotic systems
Dynamic system modeling
Software architecture for real-time and safety-critical systems