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Ara Kourchians


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91101

Member of:

347A - Embedded Robotic Systems

Ara Kourchians

Group Leader


Ara Kourchians is an electrical engineer with an extensive background in circuit design, embedded systems programming, robotics, and visual effects. Projects and presentations have included high altitude balloon payloads, environmental testing of electronics, electronic conference badges, Mars watches, quadrotor UAVs, hexapod robots, flight controllers, self-balancing robots, and omni-directional drive systems.


B.S. Electrical Engineering, June 2015
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona


  1. Evan Bock Clark, Andrew Branch, Rebecca Castano, Ian Fenty, Christine Gebara, Ara Kourchians, Daniel Limonadi, Gauri Madhok, Patrick McGarey, Flora Mechentel, Kelly Nguyen, Tyler Okamoto, Eric Rignot, Federico Rossi, Brendan Santos, Justin Schachter, Michael Schodlok, Dane Schoelen, Timothy Stanton, Joshua Vander Hook, Ben Wolsieffer, Xavier Zapien, "IceNode: a Buoyant Vehicle for Acquiring Well-Distributed Long-Duration Melt Rate Measurements under Ice Shelves," OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, pp. 1-10, 20 September 2021.