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4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 198-235
Pasadena, CA 91109





Marc Pomerantz

Member of Technical Staff


Marc Pomerantz is a senior member of technical staff in the JPL Robotics Modeling and Simulation Group.
In support of a variety of flight missions and projects at JPL, Marc has designed and developed real time, physics-based, multi-mission 3D Visualization, simulation and real-time flight operations software. In addition, Marc has been the technical manager on tasks that delivered real-time operations software for MSL and high_fidelity physics-based simulations in support of a New Frontiers proposal.
Marc was born in Los Angeles CA and when not at JPL, enjoys gardening, cooking, baking, fishing, tinkering with old cars, playing ping pong, reading, camping at the beach and playing rock and blues guitar.


B.S. Computer Science, California State University, Northridge

Professional Experience

Over twenty five years of software design and development experience including twenty years developing object-oriented software in C++ on a variety of platforms that include Unix, Windows and Mac OS/X workstations. Current and past work has emphasized the design and development of 3D visualization, virtual environment systems and rendering engines in OpenGL, OpenInventor and Coin3D, Object Oriented Design and development, client/server systems, multi-threaded, single and multi-processor applications. Modeling and simulation for real-time operations and for test and evaluation.

Research Interests

3D visualization rendering engine design
GPU-based high performance visualization
General purpose GPU computation. Modeling and simulation of space vehicle, including for use during real-time operations.