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Abhishek Cauligi


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Abhishek Cauligi


Abhishek Cauligi is a Robotics Technologist at JPL in the Robotic Surface Mobility Group. His research interests lie in leveraging recent advances in nonlinear optimization, machine learning, and control theory towards planning and control for complex robotic systems.

Abhishek received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor and his PhD. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University under the supervision of Prof. Marco Pavone, where he was a recipient of the NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship (NSTRF/NSTRGO).

Research Interests

  • Optimal control and trajectory optimization
  • Data-driven numerical optimization


Ph.D., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University (2021).

B.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (2016).


  1. K .Echigo, A. Cauligi, S. Bandyopadhyay, D. Scharf, G. Lantoine, B. Acikmese, and I. Nesnas, "Autonomy in the Real-World: Autonomous Trajectory Planning for Asteroid Reconnaissance via Stochastic Optimization (Publication)," in AIAA Scitech 2025, 01 January 2025.
  2. J. Briden, B. Johnson, R. Linares, and A. Cauligi, "Diffusion Policies for Generative Modeling of Spacecraft Trajectories," in AIAA Scitech 2025, 01 January 2025.
  3. J. Briden, T. Gurga, B. Johnson, A. Cauligi, and R. Linares, "Tight Constraint Prediction of Six-Degree-of-Freedom Transformer-based Powered Descent Guidance," in AIAA Scitech 2025, 01 January 2025.
  1. K. Echigo, A. Cauligi, and B. Acikmese, "Expected Time-Optimal Control: a Particle MPC-based Approach via Sequential Convex Programming," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 16 September 2024.
  2. D. Atha, R. M. Swan, A. Cauligi, A. Bettens, E. Goh and D. Kogan, L. Matthies, and M. Ono,, "ShadowNav: Autonomous Global Localization for Lunar Navigation in Darkness," IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics, 14 September 2024.
  1. J. Briden, C. Choi, K. S. Yun, R. Linares, and A. Cauligi, "Constraint-Informed Learning for Warm Starting Trajectory Optimization," pp. 1-13, 21 December 2023.
  2. J. Briden, T. Gurga, B. Johnson, A. Cauligi, and R. Linares, "Improving Computational Efficiency for Powered Descent Guidance via Transformer-based Tight Constraint Prediction," In: AIAA Scitech Forum, Winner of 2024 AIAA GNC Graduate Student Paper Competition, pp. 1-19, 25 August 2023.
  3. Abhishek Cauligi, R. Michael Swan, Masahiro Ono, Shreyansh Daftry, John Elliott, Larry Matthies, Deegan Atha, "ShadowNav: Crater-Based Localization for Nighttime and Permanently Shadowed Region Lunar Navigation," IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 04 March 2023.
  1. Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi, et al., "NeBula: Quest for Robotic Autonomy in Challenging Environments; TEAM CoSTAR at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge," Journal of Field Robotics, 21 March 2021.