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Summer Interns - 2014

1st Row (left to right): Daniel Balentine, Rex Lu, Qavi Choudhury, Jean Choi, Mabel Mengzi Zhang, Vy Phun, Stephanie La Liberte, Eddie Farias, Javier Lichtscheidl, Randi Williams, Walter Bircher, Yong Lin, Erin Main, Lorenia Jimenez-Miramontes.

2nd Row (left to right): C. Daniel Thomas, Danielle Espinosa, Brett Hendrickson, Andrew Alexander, Lauren DuCharme, Lauren Miller, Lauren Wright, Betty Leung, Kai Yue, Avinash Devalla, Ciara Lynton, Kyle Ashley.

3rd Row (left to right): Kevin Tang, Abraham Hussain, Justin Gaza, Paul Chen, Noah Mulfinger, William Andrew Ferguson, Juan Diego Palomino, Michael Cheung, Miguel Rodriguez, Schuyler Eldridge, Catherine Pavlov, Andrew Dobson.

4th Row (left to right): Edward Fouad, Daniel Wheeler, Dennis Wai, Chris Miller, Christian Stewart, Adam Yabroudi.

Not pictured: KHasan "Jule" Ahmar, Vladimir Arutyunov, Elias Brassitos, Charlecia Brownlee, Grant Cavalier, Andrew Chavarin, Antonello Congedo, Christopher Cunningham, Stephen Decker, Noel Ekker, Bruno Gallardo, Shubham Gogna, Emily Gu, William G. Howells, Abdurrahman Husnein, Saugat Kandel, Nikolaos Karianakis, Hilary Kelly, Jonathan King, Matthias Krebs, Rex Lu, Kevin Mark, Marco Monteiro, Masatsugu Otsuki, Fletcher Porter, Donald Ruffatto, Adam Ryason, Teymur Sadikhov, Nathaniel Stein, Cecily Sunday, Melissa Tanner, Jacob Tims, Jonathan Tong, Charles Woods, Jason Yosinski, Mabel Zhang, Jake Zobrist.

Name Home Institution Program Point of Contact Task Name
Ahmar, Hasan "Jule" Buckley High School, CA SUM Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian & Climbing Robots
Activity: Prototype development of grippers for RoboSimian and gripping wheel development for small climbing robots.
Alexander, Andrew International Space University, France ISU Younse, Paulo Sample Tube Sealing
Activity: Cache Design and Sealing for Potential Mars Sample Return
Arutyunov, Vladimir California State University Northridge USRP
Parness, Aaron Gecko-Inspired Adhesive
Activity: Gecko adhesive grippers for mobile robot. IRIS Gecko Gripper Build.
Ashley, Kyle University of San Francisco, CA SURF Brockers, Roland Forest Triage
Activity: The goal is to produce tree distribution maps using stereo images and position information from a small quadrotor UAV that autonomously explores and maps an unknown forest.
Bircher, Walter University of Nebraska Space Grant Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: Support the design, fabrication, and assembly of parts and support equipment for the RoboSimian robot.
Brassitos, Elias Northeastern University NSTRF Kennedy, Brett Compact Drive System
Activity: Compact Drive System for Planetary Rovers and Space Manipulators
Brownlee, Charlecia Jackson State University, MS JPLSIP Nesnas, Issa Enabling Nanosat
Activity: Research and develop technologies that enable advanced control and tele-operation of two-wheeled tethered rovers.
Cavalier, Grant University of Louisiana, Lafayette JPLYIP Susca, Sara STABLE
Activity: The STABLE project will demonstrate precision pointing of an astronomical telescope at altitudes above 100,000 ft (above 99.9% of the atmosphere).
Chavarin, Andrew UC Irvine MSP Udomkesmalee, Gabriel Space RACE
Activity: Design/experiment with mobility/robotics platforms needed for the Space RACE competition and generate the required ConOps and Competition Rules/Guidelines.
Chen, Po-Chuan Paul Stanford University, CA JPLSIP Wolf, Michael Algorithms For Advanced CDA
Activity: Develop and test algorithms for the USV’s perception systems, particularly using computer vision.
Cheung, Michael MIT, MA JPLSIP Mukherjee, Rudra In-Sace Robotics
Activity: Assist developing mechanism design & develop a prototype.
Choi, Jean California Institute of Technology SURF Wolf, Michael Access-Qal Screening
Activity: Autonomy for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)
Choudhury, Qavi Edward Roybal Learning Center, CA SpaceSHIP Rankin, Art Sensor Fusion
Activity: Classifier Training for Autonomous Driving
Carnegie Mellon University NSTRF Nesnas, Issa NASA TRF
Activity: Resource-Aware Navigation for Shadowed and Uncertain Environments
Decker, Stephen Washington University, St. Louis JPLSIP Yen, Jeng Phase E IPE Surface
Activity: Mars Science Labratory Data Visualization
DuCharme, Lauren California State University Fullerton MSP Kulczycki, Eric Mars Sample Transfer Test
Activity: Sample Retrieval Tools and Cache Interfaces Test bed development and testing for Mars Sample Transfer Test Bed
Ekker, Noel Art Center College of Design, CA JPLSIP Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: Will create conceptual illustrations and other forms of graphical communication related to various robots under development at JPL.
Eldridge, Schuyler Boston University NSTRF Stoica, Adrian Bio-Inspired HW
Activity: Biologically-inspired Hardware for Land/Aerial Robots
Espinosa, Danielle MIT, MA JPLYIP
Wolf, Michael Algorithms For Advanced CDA
Activity: Autonomy for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)
Farias, Edgardo MIT, MA JPLSIP Parness, Aaron Micro Climbing Robots
Activity: Will work to improve on the rotary microspine design to increase the performance and decrease the weight of the system.
Ferguson, William Citrus College, CA SIRI
Younse, Paulo
Kulczycki, Eric
Strat Concept Development
Activity: Development and Testing of Sample Sealing Techniques for Mars Sample Return.
Fouad, Edward California Institute of Technology SURF Parness, Aaron Microspine Anchor Development
Activity: Will prototype new mechanisms in preparation for picking boulders off the surface of a large asteroid.
Gallardo, Bruno Art Center College of Design, CA JPLSIP Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: Will create conceptual illustrations and other forms of graphical communication related to various robots under development at JPL.
Gaza, Justin University High School, CA SpaceSHIP Trebi-Ollennu, Ashitey InSight
Activity: InSight Deployment Testbed writing scripts and analyzing data
Gogna, Shubham University of Nevada, Reno Space Grant Udomkesmalee, Gabriel Space RACE
Activity: Will design/experiment with mobility/robotics platforms needed for the Space RACE competition and generate the required ConOps and Competition Rules/Guidelines.
Gu, Emily University of California, Los Angeles JPLSIP Woodward, Gail Software Testing for ACTUV
Activity: ACTUV is a multi-year project to develop an autonomous path planning capability for driving a ship at sea obeying the rules of the road.
Hendrickson, Brett San Francisco State University, CA SURF Younse, Paulo Sample AcqCach Arch
Activity: Design and Testing of Sample Container and Sealing Techniques for Mars Sample Return
Howells, William Gareth University of Kent International Stoica, Adrian Bio-Inspired HW
Activity: EMG work, utilize hand jestures to send commands to robots to perform tasks.
Husnein, Abdurrahman Cornell University, NY CPS Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: Hardware development for the DARPA Robotics Challenge
Hussain, Abraham Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies, CA SpaceSHIP Rankin, Art Sensor Fusion
Activity: Classifier Training for Autonomous Driving
Santa Ana College MSP Brockers, Roland Multimedia Support and User Interface Design
Activity: User interface design for MAV control/ Production of research video material
Karianakis, Nikolaos University of California, Los Angeles JPLYIP Fuchs, Thomas Nuisance-Invariant Deep Learning
Activity: Machine learning research on publicly available methods and data.
Kelly, Hilary New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology NASA MUREP Parness, Aaron Insect-sized mobile robots
Activity: Will work to improve on the rotary microspine design to increase the performance and decrease the weight of the system.
King, Jonathan Ohio State University JYRIP Parness, Aaron Arm Opt B Study
Activity: The student will prototype mechanisms that replace plastic and non-flight components with materials that can withstand the temperatures and other environmental conditions found on asteroids.
La Liberte, Staphanie North Carolina State University CSU-STARP Udomkesmalee, Gabriel Space RACE
Activity: Will design/experiment with mobility/robotics platforms needed for the Space RACE competition and generate the required ConOps and Competition Rules/Guidelines.
Leung, Betty California State PolyTech University, Pomona JPLSIP Fuller, Christine Task C-Extreme Environment
Activity: Design a working scale model of our "Axel" extreme terrain rovers using rapid-prototyping techniques including 3D printing and/or laser cutting.
Lichtscheidl, Javier Cal State Fullerton MSP Brockers, Roland Mircro Air Vehicle Structural Design and Modeling
Activity: Micro Air Vehicle structural design and modelling
Lin, Yong Cornell University, NY CPS Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: Hardware development for the DARPA Robotics Challenge
Lu, Rex University of California, Riverside MURF Edelberg, Kyle Robotic Sample Acquisition
Activity: Will support testing of alternative rock core acquisition approaches using a coring tool on a robotic arm and write software to support the testing.
Lynton, Ciara Morgan State University, MD NASA MUREP Assad, Chris BioElectric Sensor
Activity: Natural Robot Control Interfaces Using Wearable Bio-Sensors
Main, Erin MIT, MA JPLSIP Assad, Chris BioElectric Sensor
Activity: Natural Robot Control Interfaces Using Wearable Bio-Sensors
Mark, Kevin University of California, Los Angeles JPLSIP McQuin, Chris ATHLETE
Activity: ATHLETE Rover Design, Assembly and Testing Support
McDonald-Maier, Klaus University of Essex International Stoica, Adrian Bio-Inspired HW
Activity: Research collaboration on hardware/software condition monitoring and robotics research
Miller, Christopher Pennsylvania State University Space Grant Assad, Chris BioElectric Sensor
Activity: Assist in the development and testing of a new wearable “JPL BioSleeve” for sending control commands to robots.
Miller, Lauren Northwestern University, IL JPLSIP Nesnas, Issa Task C-Extreme Environment
Activity: Research motion planning techniques for tethered mobility systems in extreme terrains.
Mulfinger, Noah Pomona College, CA JPLSIP Woodward, Gail Software Testing for ACTUV
Activity: ACTUV is a multi-year project to develop an autonomous path planning capability for driving a ship at sea obeying the rules of the road.
Otsuki, Masatsugu JAXA International Nesnas, Issa Task C-Extreme Environment
Activity: Control position of a rover, which explores on an extreme terrain with a wire, and verify its control through numerical calculations and experiments using a rover such as AXEL.
Palomino, Juan Diego California Institute of Technology SURF Wolf, Michael Advance Sensing & Behavior
Activity: Autonomy for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)
Pavlov, Catherine California Institute of Technology SURF Parness, Aaron Arm Opt B Study
Activity: Will work to improve on the rotary microspine design to increase the performance and decrease the weight of the system.
Porter, Fletcher Monrovia High School, CA SUM Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian & Climbing Robots
Activity: Prototype development of grippers for RoboSimian and gripping wheel development for small climbing robots.
Rodriguez, Miguel California State PolyTech University, Pomona JPLSIP Jain, Abhi Modeling and Simulation of Planetary Space Platforms
Activity: Multiple projects on physics based modeling, simulation and visualization of robotic systems, space vehicles and planetary environments.
Ruffatto, Donald Illinois Institute of Technology NSTRF Parness, Aaron NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship ON/OFF Adhesives
Activity: Design of Electrostatic Directional Dry Adhesives for Robotic Attachment Mechanisms
Ryason, Adam Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute JPLSIP Mukherjee, Rudra Micro Ground Vehicle
Activity: Assist in computational simulations of multibody systems & granular terrains.
Sadikhov, Teymur Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta JPLSIP Toupet, Olivier Localization Filter
Activity: Localization and Control of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle
Cornell University, NY SIRI
Younse, Paulo Sample AcqCach Arch
Activity: Designing mechanical devices using CAD software on the computer, ordering and assembling parts on a workbench, testing the sealing techniques in the lab, and reporting on seal and container performance and recommendations for future development.
Stein, Nathaniel Washington University, St. Louis JPLSIP Heverly, Matt Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: Testing and data analysis to inform mobility operations on the surface of Mars. This would include full vehicle testing with the Scarecrow rover, single wheel testing, and analysis of this test data in conjunction with performance data of the flight vehicle.
Stewart, Christian Harvard-Westlake High School, CA SUM Matthies, Larry RoofTop Landing
Activity: Implementation of autonomous landing algorithms on the quadrotors, and on operation system tweaks for the embedded flight computers.
Sunday, Cecily Institut Superieur de l'Aeronautique, France JPLYIP Hall, Jeffrey Chevron Collaboration
Activity: Creating a robotics system for use in a deep oil well to improve monitoring and control. Develop planetary balloons for Venus and Titan.
Tang, Kevin California Institute of Technology SURF Wolf, Michael BioElectric Sensor
Activity: Natural Robot Control Interfaces Using Wearable Bio-Sensors
Tanner, Melissa California Institute of Technology JPLSIP Nesnas, Issa ONR Sensor Fusion
Activity: Develop a multi-sensor data collection system, perform software development, perform perception system integration on board a SPAWAR vehicle, and perform data collections and field testing.
Tims, Jacob MIT, MA JPLSIP Parness, Aaron IRIS
Activity: Prototype mechanisms to utilize the gecko-like adhesive. CAD models will be developed for these prototypes, and parts will be fabricated using 3d printing, laser cutting, and traditional machining methods.
Tong, Jonathan Cornell University, NY CPS Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: Hardware development for the DARPA Robotics Challenge
Wai, Dennis University of California, Berkeley JPLSIP Kulczycki, Eric MSTT
Activity: Performing mechanical design and testing of sample retrieval tools for MSTT and he will be aiding in workspace simulations for robotic arms as well.
Wheeler, Daniel University of Wisconsin, Stout SURF Younse, Paulo Sample Tube Sealing
Activity: Design and Testing of Sample Container and Sealing Techniques for Mars Sample Return
Williams, Randi University of Maryland, Baltimore County MURF Stoica, Adrian Multi-robot control
Activity: Determine efficient means to control teams of multiple robots. Development in the areas of languages for interaction, coordinated behaviors, group-levels of autonomy, human-robot interaction.
Woods, Charles University High School, CA SpaceSHIP Trebi-Ollennu, Ashitey IDS I&T
Activity: InSight Deployment Testbed writing scripts and analyzing data
Wright, Lauren MIT, MA JPLSIP Fuller, Christine Task C-Extreme Environment
Activity: Design a working scale model of our "Axel" extreme terrain rovers using rapid-prototyping techniques including 3D printing and/or laser cutting.
Yosinski, Jason Cornell University NSTRF Fuchs, Thomas Scalable Unsupervised Learning for Unmanned Exploration
Activity: Develop existing and new unsupervised learning algorithms of this type and apply them to a robotic system.
Yue, Hekai Carnegie Mellon University Space Grant Reid, Robert Enabling Nanosat
Activity: Working with dynamic models of microgravity mobility platforms to simulate their movement over the surface of small bodies.
Zhang, Mabel University of Pennsylvania JPLSIP Wolf, Michael Advance Sensing & Behavior
Activity: Development and testing algorithms for the USV’s perception systems, particularly using computer vision.
Zobrist, Jake Peninsula Catholic High School, VA SUM Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian & Climbing Robots
Activity: Prototype development of grippers for RoboSimian and gripping wheel development for small climbing robots.