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Summer Interns - 2013

Bottom row (left to right): Luis Bill-Clark, Michael Saenz, Luigi Destefanis Gallo, Eduardo Lopez, Brittany Parker, Danny Situ, Harshavardhan Mylapilli, Riley Avron, Vanesa Gomez Gonzalez, Sandra Fang, Christian Howard, Eric Gorlin, Lorenia Jimenez-Miramontes, Kalind Carpenter.

Middle Row (left to right): Federico Salvioli, Enrico Ferrentino, Prerak Patel, Lexi Schaffer, Stephen Yortsos, Alex Shie, Tyler Hilgendorf, Evan Hilgemann, Jungsoo Park, Adam Ryason, Mayank Baranwal, Michelle Liu, Kun Ho Kim, Simon Kalouche.

Top Row (left to right): Jorge Alfredo Alvarez Guzman, Christian Stewart, Jonathan King, Dennis Wai, Russell Smith, Michael Williamson, Donald Ruffatto, Stephen Decker, Kearney Lackas, J. Emry Kucko, Kevin Witkoe, Stephen Goodwin, Miguel Rodriguez, Alex Florio.

Not pictured: Katherine Acord, Cyrus Batino, Kyle Berger, James Burdick, Clayton Campbell, Jack Craft, Stephanie Debats, Emma Dodd, Schuyler Eldridge, Joshua Fromm, Brayden Hollis, Bradley Holschuh, Matthew Jones, Nikhil Lele, Andrew Liang, Jeffrey Linahan, Rowland O’Flaherty, Mimi Parker, Eduardo Rojas, Rebecca Smith, Edouard Yreux.

Name Home Institution Program Point of Contact Task Name
Acord, Katherine (Katie) UC Davis CURE Younse, Paulo Sample Tube Sealing
Activity: Design and Testing of a Sample Container to Preserve Rock Cores for Mars Sample Return
Alvarez Guzman, Jorge Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Quadrelli, Marco Space Vehicles
Activity: Dynamics, Control & Simulation of Planetary Vehicles
Avron, Riley Purdue Univ, IN JPLSIP Heverly, Matthew Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: Controller for the Earth based MSL test rover
Bach, Madlenne Univ of Southern California JVSRP Stoica, Adrian Brain-computer interfaces
Activity: New brain computer interfaces. She is designing a system that takes data from conventional EEG points and determines data at arbitrary points in between, with the purpose of determining trade-offs in sensor placement.
Baranwal, Mayank Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign JPLYIP Quadrelli, Marco Space Mission Applications
Activity: Modeling, Simulation & Control of Planetary Vehicles
Batino, Cyrus Univ of Southern California JPLSIP Heverly, Matthew Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: Development of software tools to support MSL rover planner uplink & downlink analysis
Berger, Kyle Univ of Colorado NSTRF Mukherjee, Rudra Space Vehicle Landing Predictions
Activity: Prediction of Regolith Ejection during Extraterrestrial Landings
Bill-Clark, Luis San Francisco State Univ, CA JPLSIP Myint, Steven SEAS Configuration
Activity: Will be working on "Teleoperation of Simulated Lunar Rovers." This will involve programming new user interfaces for DARTS simulations.
Bruno, Alessandro Italy - Scuola Superiore JVSRP Quadrelli, Marco Space Vehicles
Activity: Dynamics, Control & Simulation of Planetary Vehicles
Burdick, James Univ of California, Los Angeles JPLSIP Okon, Avi SC Sampling System
Activity: Mars Surface Mission - Sample Acquisition Tool Percussion Mechanism Study
Campbell, Clayton Saddleback College, CA Growth Sector Assad, Chris BioElectirc Sensor
Activity: Natural Robot Control Interfaces Using Wearable Bio-Sensors
Carpenter, Kalind California State Univ, Los Angeles JPLSIP Parness, Aaron Robotic Recon(2)
Activity: Micro Ground Vehicle: Will develop micro ground vehicles with the ability to climb vertical buildings and traverse curbs and stairs.
Chan, Timothy Univ of California, Los Angeles JVSRP Matthies, Larry RCTA
Activity: Automated camera calibration. Pot support RCTA.
Chawla, Sidakpreet Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur JVSRP Helmick, Daniel Small Body Sampler
Activity: SmalBoSSE
Craft, Jack Ohio State Univ SURF Mukherjee, Rudra Adaptive Modular And Multi-Terrain Mobility Planner
Activity: The student will develop simulation software for vehicle dynamics and may assist in controls software development for robotic vehicle testing.
Debats, Stephanie Princeton Univ, NJ JPLSIP Fuchs, Thomas Internships
Activity: Combining Crowdsourced Mapping of African Croplands with Pattern Recognition to Improve Agricultural Landcover Maps
Decker, Stephen Washington Univ JPLSIP Yen, Jeng Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: Mars Science Laboratory Rover Simulation
Destefanis Gallo, Luigi Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Helmick, Daniel Small Body Sampler
Activity: SmalBOSSE 3
Dodd, Emma Brown Univ, RI CURE Younse, Paulo Sample Tube Sealing
Activity: The purpose of the first part of the project is to design and test sample tube sealing methods that could act as prototypes for the Mars core tubes, contain samples collected by a drill on the end of a robotic arm, and preserve the samples both on Mars and during the return trip back to Earth. The purpose of the second part of the project project is to better understand the effect of the high-G landing on the samples and set limits on landing system design specification. The effect of the high gravity landing on the core samples is not well understood.
Eldridge, Schuyler Boston Univ, MA NSTRF Stoica, Adrian Bio-Inspired Hardware
Activity: Biologically-inspired Hardware for Land/Aerial Robots
Fang, Yuqian (Sandra) California Institute of Technology SURF Leichty, John Planetary Instrument
Activity: Sensor suite development for BRUIE (Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration).
Ferrentino, Enrico Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Nesnas, Issa Extreme Terrain
Activity: Developing control algorithms for motion planning of a tethered extreme terrain rover.
Florio, Alex Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Matthies, Larry IUG Vehicle
Activity: Self-supervised learning of trafficability models
Fromm, Joshua California Institute of Technology JVSRP Assad, Chris BioElectric Sensor
Activity: Natural Robot Control Interfaces Using Wearable Bio-Sensors
Gomez Gonzalez,
France - International Space Univ ISU Bellutta, Paolo Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: MSL Scarecrow Controller
Goodwin, Steven Univ of Idaho Space Grant Mukherjee, Rudra Adaptive Modular And Multi-Terrain Mobility Planner
Activity: Will assist in developing mechanical prototypes of various robotic mobility and manipulation concepts.
Gorlin, Eric California Institute of Technology SURF Brockers, Roland MAST
Activity: Autonomous quadrotor roof-top landing
Hilgemann, Evan Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln JPLYIP Parness, Aaron Gecko Gripper
Activity: Orbital Debris Capture Head: working on creating gecko adhesive gripping mechanisms for grappling satellites as part of the Darpa Phoenix program.
Hilgendorf, Tyler Texas A&M Univ JPLSIP Parness, Aaron Gecko Gripper
Activity: Will be characterizing gecko adhesive pads in environmental conditions similar to those near satellites in Geostationary Orbit.
Hollis, Brayden Whitworth Univ, WA MUST Brockers, Roland MAST
Activity: Autonomous quadrotor safety system
Holschuh, Bradley MIT, MA NSTRF Assad, Chris MCP Space Suits
Activity: Development and Testing of Compression Technologies Using Advanced Materials for Mechanical Counter-Pressure Planetary Exploration Suits
Howard, Christian Univ of Illinois - Urbana Champaign USRP-
Brockers, Roland MAST
Activity: Autonomous quadrotor roof-top landing
Santa Ana College, CA Growth Sector Nesnas, Issa Extreme Terrain
Activity: Designing and fabricating camera dust barriers; developing test plans and remotely operating an extreme terrain tethered rover.
Jones, Matthew Virginia Polytech Institute & State Univ JPLSIP Wolf, Michael Maritime Robotics
Activity: Developing a simulation environment for testing USV motion planning algorithms, including hazard avoidance and the "COLREGS" rules of the road.
Kalouche, Simon Ohio State Univ JPLSIP Parness, Aaron IRIS
Activity: Flat gecko-adhesive climbing robot
Kim, Kun ho California Institute of Technology JPLYIP Nesnas, Issa A Minimalistic
Activity: Developing analytical models and characterizing motion profiles for a flywheel hopping and tumbling rover for microgravity environments.
King, Jonathan Ohio State Univ JPLSIP Parness, Aaron IRIS
Activity: Microgravity Drill Project
Kroos, Philipp Univ of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany JVSRP Brockers, Roland MAST
Activity: Develop and implement a smart camera for embedded image processing on a quadrotor UAV platform
Kucko, Joshua Univ of South Florida MUST Frost, Matthew Lunar Surface Mobility
Activity: ATHLETE Rover
Lackas, Kearney Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln JPLSIP Kennedy, Brett SC Sampling System
Activity: Support the field test facility rover and associated equipment for Mars Surf Mission 2020 - POP
Lele, Nikhil Stanford Univ, CA JPLSIP Mukherjee, Rudra MAST
Activity: Tasks dealing with modeling of robotic mobility and manipulation on terrestrial and extra-terrestrial terrains. These tasks involve modeling the dynamics of robotic systems examples of which include legged robotic systems, articulated robotic arms, interactions with granular terrain and grass among others.
Liang, Andrew California Institute of Technology JPLSIP Wolf, Michael Maritime Robotics
Activity: Developing and testing computer vision perception algorithms to detect and classify surface boats in camera images, to provide better situational awareness for a USV.
Linahan, Jeffrey Villanova Univ, PA JVSRP Jain, Abhi Large Scale internal Coordinate
Activity: The summer project will focus in identifying the design and architecture changes in ROAMS to meet the RAMS needs. It will also begin the adaptation and robot platform model development activities.
Liu, Michelle Harvey Mudd College, CA JPLSIP Yen, Jeng Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: Mars Science Laboratory Rover Simulation
Lopez, Eduardo "Eddie" California State Univ, San Bernardino JVSRP Stoica, Adrian Multi-robot control
Activity: Development of technologies and scenarios for multi-robot control, in particular control of teams of quadrotors
Mylapilli, Harshavardhan Univ of Southern California JPLYIP Jain, Abhi Large Scale internal Coordinate
Activity: Modeling of Non-Smooth Dynamics: To prototype and implement advanced dynamics modeling algorithms available in the published literature for use in JPL simulation tools.
O'Flaherty, Rowland Georgia Institute of Technology JPLSIP Backes, Paul SC Sampling System
Activity: Robotic sample tube transfer for caching.
Park, Jungsoo California Institute of Technology SURF Nayar, Hari Robotic PIP
Activity: ATHLETE tool development
Parker, Brittany California State Univ, Fullerton Growth Sector Padgett, Curtis Blue Devil
Activity: Collaborative brain-computer interfaces for improved detection of activities in video imagery
Parker, Mimi Los Angeles City College, CA CURE Younse, Paulo Sample Tube Sealing
Activity: Design and Testing of a Sample Container to Preserve Rock Cores for Mars Sample Return
Patel, Prerak Carnegie Mellon Univ, PA JPLYIP Matthies, Larry Robotics Collaborative
Activity: Real-time vision on multi-core processor
Picone, Gabriele Luciano Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Kennedy, Brett RoboSimian
Activity: The student will primarily support the assembly and testing of the RoboSimian robot. Work will include the assembly and modification of parts, design and fabrication of ground support equipment, development of test procedures, and execution of tests.
Raffaele, Emanuele Italy - Scuola Superiore JVSRP Quadrelli, Marco Space Vehicles
Activity: Dynamics, Control & Simulation of Planetary Vehicles
Rodriguez, Miguel California State Polytechnic Univ JPLSIP Quadrelli, Marco Large Scale internal Coordinate
Activity: Modeling & Simulation of Planetary Space Platforms
Rojas, Eduardo California State Univ, Fullerton Growth Sector Wolf, Michael Maritime Robotics
Activity: Developing tools to enable more efficient offline analysis of comptuer vision algorithm performance.
Roveda, Loris Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Backes, Paul Mars 2020 Mission
Activity: Support writing robotic arm and sampling tool control software for technology development to compare alternative approaches to coring for the Mars 2020 mission. Only non-ITAR research software will be used.
Ruffatto, Donald Illinois Institute of Technology NSTRF Parness, Aaron Robotic Attachment Mechanisms
Activity: Design of Electrostatic Directional Dry Adhesives for Robotic Attachment Mechanisms
Ryason, Adam Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY JPLSIP Jain, Abhi Large Scale internal Coordinate
Activity: Modeling & Simulation of Planetary Space Platforms
Saenz, Michael Saddleback College, CA Growth Sector Nesnas, Issa Extreme Terrain
Activity: Developing test plans and remotely operating an extreme terrain tethered rover.
Salvioli, Federico Politecnico di Milano, Italy JVSRP Wolf, Michael BioSleeve Robot Control
Activity: Developing a natural robot control interface using wearable bio-sensors
Schaffer, Lexi California State Univ - Fullerton Growth Sector Kulczycki, Eric Covert Operation of ACTUV
Activity: Mechanical Design for sensing systems on unmanned boats
Shankar, Krishna California Institute of Technology JVSRP Reid, Jason Axel Rover
Activity: online path planning for the axel rover
Shie, Alex Carnegie Mellon Univ, PA JPLGF Helmick, Daniel Small Body Sampler
Activity: SmalBoSSE
Shinzaki, Makoto Kyushu Univ, Japan JVSRP Stoica, Adrian Shadow biometrics
Activity: Use quadrotors to take imagery of people (with shadows) walking and doing various activities.
Situ, Danny California State Univ, Fullerton Growth Sector Wolf, Michael BioSleeve Robot Control
Activity: Developing a natural robot control interface using wearable bio-sensors
Smith, Rebecca (Becky) Arizona State Univ CURE Younse, Paulo Sample Tube Sealing
Activity: Design and Testing of a Sample Container to Preserve Rock Cores for Mars Sample Return
Smith, Russell California Institute of Technology JPLSIP Backes, Paul Sampling Chain (2)
Activity: Sampling System
Stewart, Christian Harvard-Westlake High School, CA High School Matthies, Larry MAST
Activity: Cell phone processor for micro air vehicles: Conduct runtime benchmarking of simple test programs on the new processor board, then port existing autonomous navigation software to this board.
Wai, Dennis Univ of California, Berkeley JPLSIP Backes, Paul Auto Robotic Manipulation
Activity: Sampling System
Williamson, Michael California Institute of Technology JPLSIP Backes, Paul Sampling Chain (2)
Activity: Sampling System
Witkoe, Kevin Idaho Univ JPLSIP Frost, Matthew Lunar Surface Mobility
Activity: ATHLETE Rover
Yortsos, Stephen Univ of Southern California JPLSIP Yen, Jeng Mars Science Laboratory
Activity: Mars Science Laboratory Rover Simulation
Yreux, Edouard
Marc Henry
Univ of California, Los Angeles JPLGF Mukherjee, Rudra Sampling Chain (4)
Activity: Work on basic science and technology for modeling interaction of wheels and legs with deformable terrain using COTS tools or tools from his advisor's tools. FN will have access to open source tools used at JPL.