Front row, left to right: Taylor Clifton, Nathan Heisey, Steven Wood, Sarah Koehler, Carrine Johnson, Leah Krombach, Carlotta Pham, Danielle DeLatte, Arturo Madrigal, Laura Lee, Lizmarie Comenencia-Ortiz.
2nd Row, left to right: Jeffrey Wagner, Mitchell Muller, Francesco Mangini, George Murillo, Robert Paolini, Calvin Kuo, Sarah Cheng.
3rd Row, left to right: Tim Nelson, Craig Western, Lee VanGundy, Zachary Ousnamer, Jonathan Wu, Eduardo Almeida, Heriberto Reynoso, Julian Corona.
4th Row, left to right: Ruslan Kurdyumov, Nikhil Jain, Colin Ely, Jeffrey Duperret, Robert Karol, Rafael Send, Grace Li, Hubertus von Bremen.
Top Row, left to right: Michael Bowerman, Tyler Wortman, Cason Male, Jonathan Brown, Brent Tweddle, James Burdick.
Name | Home Institution | Program | Point of Contact | Task Name |
Eduardo Almeida | Brown Univ | SUM | Curtis Padgett | Angel Fire |
Activity: Angel Fire is a wide area image surveillance project that collects large images (10K x 10K) at 1 second intervals over a fixed location. JPL is working to register the collected images to their ground locations (lat long and altitude). Currently JPL is working on projecting the imagery onto a 3D terrain model developed from a collection of images. There are numerous software modules involved with this process and each of them needs to work correctly so that the results are useful to the image analysts. | ||||
Michael Bowerman | Harvey Mudd College | SpaceGrant | Paolo Younse | Mars Sample Acquisition |
Activity: 1) Design of access ports for the SHEC outer housing which allow the SHEC to open up on the Mars system for bit exchange an canister removal. This task will be to investigate previous mechanisms designed for MER and MSL, provide design specifications and concept trades, decide on a best design, model the design in CAD, fabricate a protype, perform testing, and report on the results of the design and recommendations to further improve it. 2) Support assembly and test of both previously and newly designed versions of the SHEC system for laboratory testing. 3) Perform mass analysis for a potential flight SHEC system. | ||||
Jonathan Brown | Damien High School | SpaceSHIP | Yang Cheng | Lunar Crater Nomenclature Mapping |
Activity: The major responsibility of this student is to work with JPL researchers to delineate the rims precisely of those craters listed in lunar nomenclature and deliver this crater map to Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project (LMMP). A semi-autonomous crater delineation software has already been developed and the student will use this tool to crater delineate about 4000 craters list in lunar nomenclature. | ||||
James Burdick | UCLA | SpaceGrant | Mike McHenry | Auto Stair Climbing |
Activity: Student will work with mentor and others in development, testing and documentation of autonomous robotic capabilities on a variety of platforms including an iRobot Packbot and the Athena research rover. The student will help deploy new avionics packages and sensors and conduct tests of obstacle avoidance in JPL's Mars yard and of autonomous stair climbing in on-lab stairwells. | ||||
Yuri Carrillo | Cal Poly, SLO | MII | Mike Garrett | Venus Test Bed |
Activity: Testbed development. Used to develop and test arm for proposed Venus Lander. | ||||
Timothy Chan | UCLA | SpaceGrant | Nick Hudson | Robotic Manipulator Control |
Activity: Develop robotic manipulator control and autonomy software for core sample acquisition and robotic sample manipulation autonomy software for sealing and caching. | ||||
Solomon Chang | San Marino HS | INSPIRE | Jeng Yen | N/A |
Activity: Develop and demonstrate high fidelity functional Phoenix-like testbed to showcase and demonstrated design maturity and surface operations. Develop high-fidelity lunar surface operations testbed to support lunar surface missions (e.g., MoonRise): Provide flight-like command (GDS-Tools) and data handling (C&DH) capability, power subsystem, payload interfaces. | ||||
Sarah Cheng | MIT | SpaceGrant | Marc Pomerantz | MoonRise Testbed |
Activity: Provide orientable lander mockups, return capsule mockup, lunar lighting. Provide sampling system, stereo surface imager. | ||||
Taylor Clifton | UOP, PA | Space Grant | Marc Pomerantz | Simulation System |
Activity: Participating in the development of models for new vehicles, conducting studies using these simulations, developing terrain environment models for the moon and Mars environments, 3D graphics visualization, user interface development etc. | ||||
Lizmarie Comenencia Ortiz | Univ of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus | MUST | Chris Assad | N/A |
Activity: Human biological signals (EEG, EMG) can be analyzed and decoded to control robotic systems, from manipulators to mobile platforms such as rovers, vehicles or wheelchairs. The work will be related to further developing an existing testbed, which involves sensors, data acquisition and signal processing components, and implementing controls for various robots. | ||||
Julian Corona | University of Notre Dame, IN | MUST | Chris Assad | N/A |
Activity: Human biological signals (EEG, EMG) can be analyzed and decoded to control robotic systems, from manipulators to mobile platforms such as rovers, vehicles or wheelchairs. The work will be related to further developing an existing testbed, which involves sensors, data acquisition and signal processing components, and implementing controls for various robots. | ||||
Cory Crean | Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. | SURF | Abhi Jain | DIO LSOS Confirguration |
Activity: Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Thimal de Alwis | CalTech | CalTech WorkStudy | Collins/Backes | Robotic Sample Handling |
Activity: Will help design and build a robotic sample handling system. | ||||
Danielle DeLatte | MIT | SpaceGrant | Chuck Bergh | MoonRise Testbed |
Activity: The Lunar Testbed will develop a lunar robotic lander simulation facility composed of a surface lander, manipulator, observation mast, and return capsule. The task will also require the building of a facility that contains a simulated lunar surface and control room. Project is seeking an undergraduate eningeering students to aid in the development of avionics and software for the testbed. | ||||
Jeffrey Duperret | University of Michigan | SpaceGrant | Jaret Matthews | Axel Rover |
Activity: Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical assembly and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Colin Ely | CalTech | CalTech WorkStudy | Collins/Backes | Control of Robotic Manipulators |
Activity: Participate in design, fabrication, and control of robotic manipulators and sample acquisition and handling systems. | ||||
Nathan Heisey | UCSD | SpaceGrant | Marc Pomerantz | MoonRise Testbed |
Activity: Moonrise-Developing user interface visiualization and simulation software. | ||||
Nikhil Jain | UC Berkeley | SURF | Jaret Matthews | ATHLETE |
Activity: This summer, the ATHLETE design team will prepare the Tri-ATHLETE robots for reliable long-range driving in our September field test. Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Carrine Johnson | Peninsula H.S. | INSPIRE | Julie Townsend | N/A |
Activity: Convert ATHLETE wiki to take advantage of institutional wiki capabilities and tools. �Assist with ATHLETE field test preparations as required. | ||||
Robert Karol | CalTech | SURF | Alberto Elfes | Aerobot Visual Mapping |
Activity: The focus of the project is the development of software for building a visual 2D surface map using camera imagery acquired by the aerobot during flight tests in the Mohave desert. | ||||
Alex Kern | Beverly Hills HS | SpaceGrant | Robert Hogg | MSL |
Activity: 1. Get up to speed on the MSL motor control system 2. Write procedures for verification and validation of the motor control software 3. Script graphing tools for the results of the motor control testing using standard Linux/Unix tools 4. Create a web page generator that combines results and locations of motor control testing data 5. Create/update Wiki pages for tutorials and gotchas for running the motor control system. | ||||
Mary Knapp | MIT | SpaceGrant | Chuck Bergh | MoonRise Testbed |
Activity: The Lunar Testbed will develop a lunar robotic lander simulation facility composed of a surface lander, manipulator, observation mast, and return capsule. The task will also require the building of a facility that contains a simulated lunar surface and control room. Project is seeking an undergraduate eningeering students to aid in the development of avionics and software for the testbed. | ||||
Sarah Koehler | Cornell Univ. | SpaceGrant | Jeff Hall | Aerobot/Planetary Aerial |
Activity: The Aerobot Autonomy team at JPL is developing dynamic models and simulations of our current test-bed. The student will be developing control systems for dynamic models and comparing them against previous and current designs in order to provide JPL with a comparison of the robustness and performance of different control system design methods. In addition to this main focus, the student will be expected to assist in flight tests and hardware maintenance to provide a better understanding of the Aerobot airship test-bed. | ||||
Leah Krombach | University of Maryland, College Park | USRP | Curtis Padgett | Angel Fire |
Activity: Software testing for Angelfire. | ||||
Calvin Kuo | Caltech | SURF | Hari Nayar | DIO LSOS Confirguration |
Activity: Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Ruslan Kurdyumov | CalTech | SpaceGrant | Matt DiCicco | Aerobot Autonomy |
Activity: Develop robotic manipulator control and autonomy software for core sample acquisition and robotic sample manipulation autonomy software for sealing and caching. | ||||
Laura Lee | High Point Univ, NC | MUST | Chris Assad | N/A |
Activity: Human biological signals (EEG, EMG) can be analyzed and decoded to control robotic systems, from manipulators to mobile platforms such as rovers, vehicles or wheelchairs. The work will be related to further developing an existing testbed, which involves sensors, data acquisition and signal processing components, and implementing controls for various robots. | ||||
Grace Li | CalTech | CalTech WorkStudy | Jaret Matthews | Mobile Platform |
Activity: The student will be part of the Axel rover team that is developing these rovers.� The students will be involved in assembling these rovers.� They will also be involved in the design and fabrication of small mechanical components and test fixtures for the integration of science instruments.� Work may also involve testing the rover in the JPL Mars Yard.� Some of the skills required in include mechanical design, machining, assembly, and operation of robotic prototypes. | ||||
Arturo Madrigal | University of Texas, Arlington | MUST | Chris Assad | N/A |
Activity: Human biological signals (EEG, EMG) can be analyzed and decoded to control robotic systems, from manipulators to mobile platforms such as rovers, vehicles or wheelchairs. The work will be related to further developing an existing testbed, which involves sensors, data acquisition and signal processing components, and implementing controls for various robots. | ||||
Cason Male | Stanford | SpaceGrant | Matt DiCicco | Sample Acquisition |
Activity: Develop robotic manipulator control and autonomy software for core sample acquisition and robotic sample manipulation autonomy software for sealing and caching. | ||||
Francesco Mangini | San Jose State | SUM | Issa Nesnas | ESD Office Ops |
Activity: Will be an Academic Part-Time Graduate Student (APX) in the ��� Robotic Software Systems Group (3473) in the Mobility and Robotics Section and will report to the Group Supervisor. Will be provided with hands-on work experience in the application of conceptual and theoretic curriculum within Engineering. Will be responsible for integrating and testing robotic components designing test fixtures and developing embedded robotic test software. | ||||
Daniel Melanz | University of Wisconsin | SpaceGrant | Bob Balaram | Simulation System |
Activity: Participating in the development of models for new vehicles, conducting studies using these simulations, developing terrain environment models for the moon and Mars environments, 3D graphics visualization, user interface development etc. | ||||
Scott Moreland | CMU | SpaceGrant | Jaret Matthews | ATHLETE |
Activity: This summer, the ATHLETE design team will prepare the Tri-ATHLETE robots for reliable long-range driving in our September field test. Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Mitchell Muller | UC Berkeley | SpaceGrant | Jaret Matthews | MoonRise Testbed |
Activity: The Lunar Testbed will develop a lunar robotic lander simulation facility composed of a surface lander, manipulator, observation mast, and return capsule. The task will also require the building of a facility that contains a simulated lunar surface and control room. Project is seeking an undergraduate eningeering students to aid in the development of avionics and software for the testbed. | ||||
George Murillo | Stevens Inst. Of Tech, Hoboken, NJ | SpaceGrant | Jaret Matthews | ATHLETE |
Activity: Design team will prepare the Tri-ATHLETE robots for reliable long-range driving in our September field test. Student tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Timothy Nelson | University of Nevada, Reno | SpaceGrant | Jaret Matthews | N/A |
Activity: The project involves the development of software modules for the on-board control of one or more robotic platforms. While the specific assignment may vary depending on current needs, the work would most likely involve one or more of the following elements: (1) the development of control and test software for motion control and coordination, (2) the development of software for the control of and communication with inertial measurements units, (3) the development of software for image acquisition and data management, (4) the development of software for tele-operation interface of rover platforms, and/or (5) the development of software for managing a reusable robotic code base. | ||||
Zachary Ousnamer | University of Michigan | USRP | Julie Townsend | ATHLETE |
Activity: Create a "Traverse Summary Report" which details ATHLETE's performance while traversing and can be generated after each traverse attempt in an automated fashion. �Develop a procedure for stepping over cattle fences in the field. �Assist with ATHLETE field test preparations as required. | ||||
Robert Paolini | CalTech | SpaceGrant | Matt DiCicco | Sample Acquisition |
Activity: Develop robotic manipulator control and autonomy software for core sample acquisition and robotic sample manipulation autonomy software for sealing and caching. | ||||
Russell Patton | Stanford Univ, CA | SURF | Bob Balaram | DIO LSOS Confirguration |
Activity: Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Carlotta Pham | UC Irvine | SpaceGrant | Yang Chang | LMMP |
Activity: LMMP Hazard Detection Software development. | ||||
Heriberto Reynoso | USC | MUST | Matt DiCicco | Robot Control for sampling |
Activity: Support development of the command sequence generation and robot control and testing for the system. | ||||
Rafael Send | UC Berkeley, CA | SUM | Matt DiCicco | N/A |
Activity: Will develop a user interface and sequence generation system for generating command sequences for research robots in the Planetary Robotics laboratory. This will include allowing a user to generate sequences a command at a time or to utilize automatic command sequence generation with a high level command that is automatically decomposed into lower level commands. | ||||
Brent Tweddle | MIT | Graduate Fellow | Nick Hudson | Visual navigation of micro air vehicles |
Activity: Micro air vehicles for reconnaissance require the ability to land safely and precisely on variety of surfaces and to enter buildings and caves through a variety of openings. This must be possible in daylight and in darkness, using onboard illuminators for the latter. The research opportunity here is to develop computer vision algorithms to enable these behaviors. | ||||
Lee VanGundy | University of Idaho | SpaceGrant | Todd Litwin | MSL |
Activity: This task entails design and implementation of software tools to bridge the gap between the state-machine language and UML statechart diagrams, and potentially with simulation and analysis tools. The student will have a chance to see the design and implementation of real software that is targeted for the next Mars robotic rover mission, and to aid in improving that software. | ||||
Hubertus von Bremen | Caltech | Summer Faculty Fellow | Bob Balaram | NEO Demonstration |
Activity: Physics based surface mobility modeling and validation. | ||||
Jeffrey Wagner | Claremont McKenna College | SURF | Abhi Jain | DIO LSOS Confirguration |
Activity: Tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical outfitting and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Craig Western | USC | SpaceGrant | Jaret Matthews | Axel |
Activity: The Axel design team will prepare two of the second generation Axel robots for a field test at a planetary analog site. Student tasks may include any or all of the following: Testing and debugging of onboard software, mechanical design, mechanical assembly and maintenance, and operations planning and simulation. | ||||
Steven Wood | University of Nevada, Reno | SpaceGrant | Paolo Bellutta | N/A |
Activity: Assist with development and testing of terrain classification algorithms to assess rover trafficability of candidate landing ellipses for the 2011 Mars mission. | ||||
Jonathan Wu | Tufts | SUM | Curtis Padgett | Angel Fire |
Activity: Software testing for Angelfire. | ||||
Julie Xie | Harvard | DRATS | Julie Townsend | ATHLETE |
Activity: Will be supporting the ATHLETE field testing in Arizona. �During her time at JPL she will be familiarized with the project and trained for participation in the field test. |