Julie is the 347 Deputy Section Manager. Julie's background is in robotics systems engineering, specializing in analyzing and maximizing robotics performance under nominal and anomalous operating conditions. Julie has extensive experience designing, implementing, and executing operations of robotic manipulation and wheeled and limb mobility systems in a variety of environments, including indoor and outdoor testbeds, field demonstration sites, and the surface of Mars. Notable projects include the Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance Mars Rovers, the ATHLETE Lunar utility vehicle prototype, and various wheeled and limbed research systems.
Julie has also served as Assistant Section Manager and Group Supervisor of 347R, Robot Operations and V&V
M.S. (2000) Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
S.B. (1998) Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
347 Deputy Section Manager, 2024-present
347 Assistant Section Manager, 2022-2024
Technical Group Supervisor, 347R Robot Ops and V&V, 2021-2022
Mars Sample Return Lander, 2021-2023
Sample Transfer System Robotic SE Team Lead
Mars 2020 Rover, Perseverance, 2016-2021
Sampling and Caching Ops Lead, SCS Robotics CogE, SCS Operability Lead, Sampling and Caching (SNC) Operations Team Architect and Lead
Mars Science Laboratory, 2008 and 2014 - Present
Engineering Operations Team Chief and Deputy, Robotic Arm Systems Engineer
Mars Sample Return R&D, 2012 – 2015
Operability Expert, Systems Engineer
Mars Exploration Rovers, 2001 – 2014
Rover Planner Team Lead, Tactical Uplink Lead, Avionics Systems Engineer
ATHLETE Prototype Lunar Rover, 2005 – 2012
System Test Lead, Mobility and Manipulation Software Developer
360-Degree Camera Head for Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicle, 2009
Mechanical design and fabrication
Robotics R&D, 2004 – 2005
Systems Engineer and Software Developer
Technical Experience:
• Flight System development, V&V, and launch, cruise, and surface operations
• Research robotics development, assembly, test, and field demonstration
• Robotic arm workspace, performance, and operability analyses
• Mobility and manipulation algorithm development, test, debug, and parameter tuning
• Research hardware design, fabrication, assembly, and delivery - watertight
• Remote and realtime operation of robotic systems
• Fault Protection algorithm development and V&V
• Systems Engineering: trade studies, complexity management, interface management, performance assessment, problem resolution, infrastructure management, risk and criticality assessment
JPL People Leadership Award 2022, Perseverance Rover Sampling & Caching Operations Team
JPL Voyager Award, 2020, Mars 2020
JPL Voyager Award, 2016, MSL
JPL Mariner Award, 2007, MER
JPL Level C Leadership Award, 2004, MER
JPL Level C Outstanding Achievement Award, 2002, MER
NASA Honors: Group Achievement Awards
MER Avionics Team
MER Project Operations Team
MER First Extended Mission Team MER Second Extended Mission Team
ATHLETE Development Team
MER 3rd and 4th Extended Mission Team
MER R9.3 Flight Software Team
Intelligent Autonomy for Unmanned Vehicles Team
MSL Surface Sampling and Science Systems Team
MER Science and Operations Team
MSL Extended Mission-1 Science and Operations Team