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2008 NASA Honor Awards

2008 NASA Honor Awards
NASA medals for Exceptional Service, Exceptional Engineering Achievement, and Exceptional Achievement.

Several JPL roboticists are recipients of 2008 NASA Honor Awards. These are:

Viktor Kerzhanovich - Exceptional Service Medal

For sustained contributions in developing planetary exploration balloon technology, experimental profiling of planetary winds and international cooperation in space missions.

Brian Cooper - Exceptional Engineering Achievement

For technical leadership in developing the Rover Sequencing and Visualization Program operations tool for the Mars Exploration Rovers and Phoenix, and technical development of its 3-D user interface.

Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu - Exceptional Engineering Achievement

For exceptional technical contributions to the Mars Exploration Rovers, providing comprehensive engineering support pre- and post-launch, including resolutions of rover anomalies.

Khaled Ali - Exceptional Achievement

For leadership and effective collaborative oversight of the technology infusion of new autonomy software into the Mars Exploration Rovers’ flight software.